Damn I miss Starbucks Chai Tea Latte!
Photography by Yours Truly
And I miss this cake too.
Hello people! Today was a good day I think. Yup. Lots of things happened today and it's a good day so gonna blog quite a bunch today. But anyway, hope my days are getting better and better so that my days here will be more enjoyable! Yup?
Well today I went for a blood checkup. Results say.... I'm good! Haha, with the exception that my triglyceride is high (which is a fat that comes from plants). So I need to tackle more fatty food and fried food. Scary. And my leukocytes level is also slightly above normal. Must have an infection (CHOY) somewhere.
Then checked my blood glucose level and it's all normal. Whew, I fear of getting diabetes and thank God I have none. But still I'm going to take care of my health. I am who I am now. But I may not be the same me in like 40 years time. So gotta stay healthy people!
After the check, there's this piano teacher that came to my father's office. And yeah she's one of the organiser of this even that is happening like next week. Then she came to test my playing and stuff. And believe it or not? She ask me to perform in the event! That is like retarded... And tomorrow I'll be meeting her again to see how's the things will be going on.
Then after that went to see a futsal match between the workers at my mum's shop haha. Quite fun to see them play. And mostly, it reminds me of the handball games I had with the 4E1'09 peeps, because the playing area looks like the parade square. Oh man, miss them a lot!
And yeah I guess that's all for the day. On another side, my aunt and my cousin is here too! Well at least it's going to kind of brighten my days up eh? At least by like a little. Sometimes I seriously can't take the boredom. Like seriously cannot. Just be patient, bear with it kind of thing. But well patience has a limit sometimes I guess. So yup.
Anyway I think that's all for today. See you next time then! Can't believe that it was during the holidays that my blog becomes alive. When usually it becomes dead haha. It's the only platform where I can channel my emotions and stuff hmm? Okay see ya~
Dream a million dreams.
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