Chilli sauce treble clef
Photography and art by Yours Truly
Lame things, turn into beauty
Hello people! Today was a great, like great and awesome but tiring day! But I really love today, I would say it's one of the best days of my life! Why?
I had my first public performance on the piano!
Yeah as I told you I was playing the piano in an event held at my hometown. Well I made a few mistakes here and there but I pulled it through and no matter good or bad, I truly enjoyed myself there! I might not be the best player out there, but seriously, I enjoyed myself there.
Well honestly speaking it was one of the most chaotic event I've ever been on to. Why? Let me tell you how chaotic it is. It's even more chaotic than some events that I had performed at in Tanglin. So... lack of management, lack of this and that. Well...
Firstly, when we went there for final rehearsal, everything was not set up at all. No sound system, nothing. So we waited for freaking 2 hours (From 12 to 2) then we start practising. Instead of practising for four hours, we used two hours to wait and left with two hours to practise. How irritating is that.
During the performance, when I sat to play my piano. The piano was not on, the volume was zero, there was NO chair. Horrible. Thankfully I was alert enough to spot this and that, and managed to put back to normal. So everything went as normal (except for the mistakes).
Alright and remember that I told you that I sang too? Okay here's the problem. There was no enough mikes. But there was enough mikes during the rehearsal. Weird? And because of that I did not perform at all for the second song because I gave my mike to my friend who has a solo part (unlike me, I'm a duet).
And somehow Ms Tang's words "Whatever happens, the show must go on!" rang in my head. Haha I still remember her story she told us last year.
And yeah that's about the bad part of the performance. The good part is that I truly enjoyed myself there. Apart from the bad management, from my mistakes and everything. It was my first public performance on the piano. And yeah, I'm quite proud of myself and my town. Somehow. Even though I'm playing a song they don't know. I just love it!
Alright I think I deserve a good break. Gonna get busy this week and next cause I have many things going on and one of them is.. JAKARTA! "Excited excited" Like finally I am going there for a shopping spree (I wonder with who) and yeah. My sis are coming back next week too. So more gathering = more fun. Yay.
That's all for this wonderful but tiring day then. Truly enjoyed what I did today again. And I want to thank the people from 88 production a lot! Thanks for the joy and fun we have shared. Love you all!
I'm only pleasing the audience. And myself.
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