Photography by Yours Truly
Isn't he cute?
Hello people, today was well hmm, a not bad but not so good and not bad day. Okay don't bother that. Well it's normal I guess. Did nothing much but well, at least I continued doing my album again, after like quite a long time. Then I went to my dad's office which is.. As usual.
Well at my dad's office, some of my dad's colleague called me up and chatter with me. I think I have to thank them cause I was feeling quite bored and then yeah, thanks to them I was not bored anymore. Had a not so bad time chatting with them!
And after I reached home, I ate dinner. And talking about dinner and the title of my post, well yeah, I ate this super spicy food made by my maid. It's basically fried eggs, poured over with some super hot sauce made from blended chilly fried in oil. Sounds scary? It is! But so delicious!
Then as for the night was spent at home at usual. And I started to exercise since Monday! Haha, well just cycling at my gym cycling machine thingy for like twenty minutes and then I already sweat like a pig. Whew, it was quite a tiring one but well, an exercise is still an exercise.
Okay that's all for today, tomorrow my sisters are going back here! So I am really excited about it because my days here won't be so boring anymore. Okay ciao then!
Boredom is over. Yes? Yes!
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