And oh yes, I forgot, did you guys feel the tremor? I felt it too... Scary eh... And it's from Sumatra there. ><
Hope all these quakes will come to an end...
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
A place I could call my own

Pretty flowers. But. It's just a leaf.
Photography by Yours Truly.
It hurts. I let you go.
Hello people, sigh, as I know, more shocking results stroke me. But I am pleased with my AM marks, I was hmm, quite pleased. The rest was rather shocking. Negatively.
And I still had insomnia, which is rather bad but improving, cause I had 3 hours of sleep last night. Amazing right? And I woke up late! But that was because my alarm clock was dead. And it was dead at 5.30 AM. So in my mind it was 5.30... Okay ten more minutes and it goes on and on. And it was 6.50! But I made it on time. Just on time.
Well results were a little scary to find out. But no, I'm going to do better. And I am also looking forward for the Prom and Grad night after the Os! I don't know why, I know it's going to be sad, but I know it's going to be filled with ego and pride too. Weee.
You know, I always feel like giving up? But sometimes I just tell myself. My 7 years here are not going to be wasted just like that. It's just not worth it. Nope, not worth it at all. And also my blood, sweat and tears spent here won't go into the drain. Hell no.
So... Never give up people. Don't let your hard work go into the drain. What's the point? Right?
Okay I'm feeling rather moody today haha, I don't know why. Guess my menstruation is kicking in. Or maybe my results. I don't know. Okay I guess that's all for today. See you!
You know, isn't it obvious? Haha
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Chances are...

Our time is running out.
Photography by Yours Truly.
I love Jasmine tea!
Hello people, depressing day for me today haha. First the result, and second the insomnia.
Well firstly, last night I couldn't sleep at all. I went to be at 1, and I couldn't sleep and I simply closed my eyes until like 2 AM. I decided to listen to my ipod, well yes, in a sense it made me feel sleepy but I couldn't sleep again until like 4 AM. And I woke up at 6. Amazing, 2 hours of sleep.
The good thing is that I didn't feel sleepy at all today, except when I went out to eat with Jes and Neal. I started to shut my eyes and I even fell asleep during my bus trip home.
Anyone has tips on how to stop insomnia?
Well as for the results, it was rather depressing to know most of my result. My SS was horrendous, my History was alright, thanks a lot to Stalin it pulled my marks up. Physics MCQ was a WOW. Yeah, a negative WOW haha. I'm rather surprised with my Literature P1 mark. And in the other hand, I'm very happy that I get my first 70 for my EM Paper one.
Tomorrow, more shocks will appear.
Well I think all of the teachers are right, we're going to feel depressed these days thanks to all of these results. But no. These results actually drive me even more to do better! Hehe. Yeah, I don't and I won't see these grades again next year in my O Level result slip. I hope my lowest grade would be a 3, or better.
Anyway today was normal I guess, I studied a little Physics and Biology. Need to work more and harder yes. I want to do well, and I will do well. And I hope all of us can do well. And leave a legacy haha, as Ms Manjit said. Who knows?
Alright that's all for today people, more shocks coming up, more depressing moments, but it's okay. I'll face it. Like a MAN lol! See you then.
I'm okay with it. Seriously. I don't care.
Monday, 28 September 2009
One more war to go

Don't run away from your fear. Embrace it.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Taken on my table, and that's my piano cover! Lol
Ooh yeah baby, prelim is over! But nope, I'm not happy nor relaxed (A little hehe) because, O Level is the main thing! I'm just warming up you know, like a pre-war preparation. Like I'm stocking up on my weapons now... And yes.
Today Chem paper was a little okay, but it's so damn freaking tricky. And I felt so depressed because there are questions that I did before and I get it wrong, and I did it again, and I get it wrong again. How can I be so careless? GOD. Haha, it's okay, shi bai shi cheng gong zhi mu.
Anyway as what Mr Andy said, we have to do this self-reflection of every exam. So I guess I shall do mine here.
What I did good.
I think my time management is improving, except for some paper. And I feel that my planning for every paper was going according to plan in like 80% of the time.
What I did bad.
My time-management still can be improved, I need to be more focused, my revision time can also be improved and yeah. And I'm not perfect, so I'm sure I can do better.
That's it for my reflection haha. Today after my paper, I went to SLEEP right after I ate my lunch. For your info, I only had 5 hours of sleep last night, I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I try. And the siesta I had was sooooooooo NICE. I slept from 2 - 6 and yeah, it's like one of the best siesta I've ever had. Yum.
Well tonight, I don't know what I will be doing. Either I'm going to study, or take a break, or do nothing. But the first choice is most probably the best choice hehe. Time's precious yeah.
Alright I guess that's all for today. Tomorrow school is going back to normal. Result s will be out and I'm looking forward to it. Bad or good, it's all about accepting. Anyway remember.
We are all born to be weak. But we grow strong. Remember that!
Sunday, 27 September 2009
The radio

Thanks Waiyee... But it doesn't look like me.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Drawing by CHEANG Waiyee HAHAHA
Hello people, decided to blog now cause I wanna spend the night studying. Plus I have to fetch my sister from the airport later so yeah.
Hmm today is alright I guess, just a typical Sunday I usually have, that's all. I didn't do much today, I wanna take a break, but gonna start to study soon. I guess this is my life, this is how my Sunday feels like. It's weird but it's amazing how I always live my Sunday like this.
Anyway these days I've been dreaming weird dreams. And I think it's because I study too much that I dreams of studies. I once dreamed about that funny history O Level, I dreamed once about studying again. But the funny thing is that I always forget the dreams I had after I woke up. It's so... Weird and it's annoying cause your mind is wondering what the dream is, but you don't know!
I know that I dreamed something weird last night... Something like I went to a place with my friends, and then I forgot what happened. It's really weird but it's true haha. Oh well, some say that dreams are just your brain playing tick on you. Some say they are the key to your imagination (provided you dream about proper things). I don't know.
Dreams are interesting, all the absurd and funny things can happen inside there.
I'm listening to this radio stream in itunes now and their music are nice! It's a US radio station I think. They have radio that plays movie soundtrack, Classical baroque, chill out music and more! I feel that Singapore should have more radio stations that play more different genre.
Well I do enjoy listening to Symphony 92.4, Class 95, Yes 93.3, 91.3 and X-FM 96.3. But if there's more radio that plays like chill out songs... Contemporary songs, Asian AND Western contemporary and more, I think it would be great.
Just a piece of my opinion though.
Okay I guess that's all for today, it's been a great, sunny Sunday. And I seriously love to chill out by listening to music. I listened to this music for like 4 minutes while closing m eyes and I felt that 20 mins had gone. Wee haha. Okay see ya!
C'est la vie!
Saturday, 26 September 2009
It's over

Lime lime lime.
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken somewhere in Singapore
No no, I'm not saying Prelim is over haha, there's still one more paper to go. Loving it!
And yes it's 30 more days to O Level, how lovely and how exciting! I love O Level you know, I'm serious! Hehe
Talking about exams and studies, I didn't do much today... And yes I feel kind of guilty for doing so. But I did Chem in the morning, and spent the afternoon on the TV, and cooking! I cooked some lemon spaghetti today, I would say it's nice, just that there's too much pepper haha.
Watched Project Runway Season 5 Marathon on Discovery T&L and they (the designers) are so cool! Except for Kenlee... RAWR. And I love Leanne... Her designs are simple, nice and cute. She's also pretty lol! But I also love Kartom's designs. It's so green, but I love it.
Hmm yeah, that's all for the day. Gonna start revising and finishing my revision. So far done one cycle of Chem, like hmm "unofficially". I don't really how to finish a cycle. For me, I read TYS, do TYS and read my revision notes, which is like according to the syllabus. So I count that as a revision.
Alright then, see you guys! Take break and study smart!
Oh well, lets get going.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Hey dear

Simplicity, and deliciousness.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Guess who says that phrase?
Hello people, whew, been a really chaotic week due to all the exams. Okay personally how did I do this week? Hmm let me put it this way, I don't know. But I'm honestly looking forward to seeing my result. Bad or good, I'll face it. If it's good, I'll continue improving, if it's bad I'll do something with it (for the better of course).
We're all born to be weak. But we grow strong. And it's all up to us.
That's the only thing I wanna tell myself hehe.
Anyway today I had paper one for Physics and Biology. Bio was alright, but a not to myself, I have to learn more diagrams haha. Physics was a killer I guess. And I stupidly bring Chemistry instead of Physics today... So spent the one hour break doing nothing much.
Well it's either I'm getting forgetful/careless/tired/blur but today, I dropped my wallet twice on the way to school and from school to Clementi! Thank God I have two kind souls who reminded me that I dropped my wallet. And in the morning, this guy was looking for me just to pass me my wallet. Luckily I was still around the bus so we kinda met. Thank you the two strangers haha.
Spent the rest of the day slacking, I fell asleep from 1-4 haha, I was too tired, simply too tired. And I ate steak for dinner! It's so yummy, and filling. And I had a good walk just now. Walked along sixth avenue! The whole length! Haha. It was enjoyable though, with the evening sky, and breeze accompanying me.
And yayness for new songs. I bought those "High Society" CDs like they show in TV. Some of the songs are really nice, the rest are... Bleah. But I love Duel's Theme from Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence. It's so... Haha. And I can't wait for Five For Fighting and Michael Buble album to be released in October. They really have some nice songs.
Okay, that's all for today, it's been a great week, and I feel better after blogging. Told you how I love blogging. Alright people, see ya then!
Hey dear, I just want to tell you that...
(Please people, don't be childish and think of childish things when you read this, it's just a random line... Not that I love someone lol)
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Hello again
Evening sky. Beauty.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Taken somewhere...
Hello again my blog haha, it's been like one week since I didn't blog. Anyway, since I'm taking a break for a while, I shall blog now. But won't blog again till next week.
Well how's prelim? I don't know. So far so... Okay. Yes okay, I didn't do so well, especially for Maths! Cause somehow my answers differ from most of my friends'. Bio was a little, whew. EM was killer. And yeah. Sometimes I just feel that is useless complaining and feeling sad about all the mistakes you did. It's better if you make mistake and learn from it than complain about it. Eh?
Well yeah I'm taking a break from all the physics I've been doing because... Yeah it's better to take a break rather than doing your studying continuously. It's pointless cause you'll feel tired and nothing will be absorbed. Physics is quite fun actually, but I don't know why we are of like poles, so we repel.
Well it's 36 more days to O Levels. My days in secondary school are just getting shorter. It's amazing how fast time could fly and you don';t even realise it. Well, it's human. We don't know what we have till we say goodbye to it. Oh man, why am I so philosophical again. Rawr.
Okay I guess that's all for today, shall study again tonight and blog again next week or something like that. Oh yeah, my bro is coming to Singapore this Tuesday. Sadly, my prelim isn't over so yeah. Well but I'll still meet him. See ya then!
It's amazing how time could flow like a river, and walk like a snail.
PS: To all Muslims out there celebrating Hari Raya, Happy Hari Raya! :D
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Au revoir

I'm alone. I guess.
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in SC room haha.
Oh well hello again. Another normal Sunday I guess? I have nothing to talk much. Just that I'm freaking out for Prelim from tomorrow onwards. But at the same time, I'm looking forward to it.
Today is just a normal day, studied Chem most of the time and finishing up the last segment of Chemistry (No, I'm not finished with the rest, I start with the hardest stuff). And yeah that's all about it. Tonight is all for Math. Cause tomorrow is Math P1.
Well thanks a lot to Mr Sia, I feel GREAT. I don't even freak out like yeah. Cause thanks to all his tests and stuff, I treat tomorrow's paper as "Oh, another paper, yeah easy". Well I'm not ~too relaxed~ either. I do freak out. We never know what tomorrow brings. It's life.
And yeah one more thing. I think something's wrong with my command of speech. Okay on Friday I went to Starbucks and ordered a Chai Tea Latte. And I was given a green tea latte. Yesterday I went to Sushi Tei and ordered Lemon Tea, and they gave me a green tea. Today I went to Thai Express, ordered a seafood salad, they gave me a mango salad. Holy...
Is it really something wrong with me? Or something wrong with their ears. I don't know.
Alright that's all for today. From today onwards I won't be blogging as often like everyday. Maybe on weekends or yeah. I'll be busy studying. I'll miss you then my dear blog. Au Revoir from now.
Well I dream of dreams. I dream that these dreams will come true. But sometimes I wonder. Will they?
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Just sharing again
Oh yes! I composed a new song. Well not really compose because I was just playing the piano for fun when the melody pops out. It's called State of Reverie. I love the melody even though it sounds kind of Chinese... So yeah. Enjoy!
And please remember, flood me with comments!
And please remember, flood me with comments!
So if I...

How comforting is a cup of hot chocolate... It warms your heart.
Photography by Yours Truly
Yes, I've been drinking hot chocolate these days.
Hello people, I love today. Cause I slacked! Yes, SLACKED. You know what I'm talking about. Well not really that I slacked because... Somehow I felt guilty and I took out my book to study... HAHA
Well yeah for the first time in I don't know how many months that I slept at one, and woke up at 12.30... Amazing right. Yeah actually I don't bother to set my alarm clock and phone. Because I want to have a good sleep. Well not really a good sleep, in fact I had a nightmare.
Well in my nightmare, I dream that the History O Level paper was in a... MAGAZINE. So you're supposed to find the sources from the magazine and the sources are in different pages. I can still remember, Stalin came out for SBQ... Cause I see the Communist flag and some Russian people. And the question is even weirder...
"What should the background of the picture be, to tell you the message of the cartoonist?" [5 marks]
How do you answer that?
And oh I wish Stalin will come out for SEQ... Not SBQ... Please...
Ah well, the day just goes on and one. And I really had a scrumptious dinner hehe. And yeah that's all for the day. But well I think it's a good one, cause I really gave myself a break. Which is amazing and nice, at least my mind has a one day break.
And well prelim is coming soon. So... It's a little bit scary that I always think of it. I wanna do well for both prelim and O Level, which is coming in 44 more days. And in two weeks time, it's exactly one more month to O Level.
Alright that's all for my worrying and yeah, I just want to do well, YESSSS. See ya then! And remember, take good break and rest, don't study too much! It kills your brain!
So well, the sunset is always beautiful.
Friday, 11 September 2009
If only
If only life were as good as this view
I would be free...
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in Norway.
Oh well, another day gone, 45 more days to O Level, how lovely. 5 days gone in just a matter of... Days yeah. But to me it feels like hours. Well, let time flow on its own then. And let the days peel by quickly like orange skin.
Okay I'm getting nuts.
Anyway, today studied with Kelvin and Sharon. Not at Jurong Library cause we're sick of notbeing able to find seats (well maybe that's our fault for not coming early). We studied in Bukit Merah library! Well it's smaller as compared to Jurong but we studied on a bench. Not so comfy but we did quite a lot. I did Physics again today. I wanna do Chem tonight. Touched very little of Chem.
Studying is my life.
Well I don't think that's the right phrase to say. Music IS my life haha! But seriously I studied a lot, really a lot this week. I mean hello, it's every day of studying. But it's okay, xian ku hou tian, bitter first, sweet later. Direct translation. You should know the meaning.
Yeah I made a commitment to myself that I wanna do well for O's. I want to see my name flashed on the screen next year for being one of the top students. Well it maybe impossible but nothing is impossible right. So I just wanna push myself till O level is over so that my dream will come true. I wanna get 7 A1's.... Sounds hard, but... (refer to the top again, please)
Yes break, I need a break! I want to slack, I wanna relax and have fun. Tomorrow it is then, I wanna take a break from all the studying tomorrow. And after O Levels... I want to go for a holiday! I don't care, is a MUST. I WANT TO GO. Somewhere, anywhere, anytime. I'm thinking of traveling alone to a place I don't know. But I doubt I'll be allowed.
So well that's all for today I guess. Feel so much better after blogging. My mind seems to be more relaxed and that's a good thing! Alright to all who are taking Prelims next week, all the best! To those studying, take breaks okay, not too much though. See ya!
If only I could fly.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Future Love

If I were the sky...
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in Sweden (Lappkärrsberget)
Hello people, another fruitful day today! I did Physics and I've more confidence in magnetism now, thanks to Nissa, Tacy, Sharon, Kelvin and Jamie for the help. Oh I had SS/Hist consultation too.
Well today we weren't as restless as yesterday so I guess it's good. Tomorrow we'll be studying again. Well I guess life is just all about studying now, with only 47 more days to O Level, it would be soon when it's simply like 2 days more or even like "tomorrow is O level".
Anyway, I may sound looking too far, but... I'm looking very very forward to having a good break or holiday. I wanna go France! I watched Globe Trekker on TV and it was about France... Oh gosh I wanna go there and explore. I wanna go Britain too, and Thailand (Phuket!) and more... Oh well I hope I can.
I don't wanna be "stuck" at home again. You know, like what happened last year's December Holiday.
But it's rather ridiculous if I'm thinking about my break more than my O Level so my main focus is O Level now. I just wanna score well for it. Yeah, four years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears. It's just a waste of my time if I were to throw it away into the drain.
Oh well that's all for today, gonna do EL tonight. Maybe a little Physics. See ya then!
I just hope I can do the things I want, and go to places I wanna go. I seek freedom, but I can't seem to find it.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Life goes on

Beauty of a sunset. Eternally.
Photography by Yours Truly
I love sunsets~
Oh well hello there. I am... Bored, and tired, and... Okay yeah. Been studying these three days, in fact like everyday.
Yesterday went to study with Nissa in the library. Very fruitful session I would say, I did Chemistry yesterday and yeah, I understand those enthalpy change thingy, and also the redox reactions. Yum.
Today went to study again with Nissa and Kelvin. Madeline and Sam Tan studied with us too but just for a short while cause they had consultation with Mr Andy. Oh and I attended the English and Bio consultations too.
Today wasn't really fruitful. We were very restless somehow. Well I studied SS from like 12 - 1, but somehow our minds slowed down, as in literally slowed down when the clock hit 2. Then we started talking and yeah. Restless, tired and... No mood to study!
Well maybe Nissa is right, we study too much that our bodies and minds just simply "gets bored" of studying. Well it's quite true, you can see this happening. Have you ever had this experience when you do something on and on, and then one or two hours later you'll feel "sian" and you start to do against the things that you are doing. Yeah we had that.
Well I don't know, I guess I'll just hope that it won't happen again. Perhaps a little break but somehow I always tell myself "DON'T STOP!" and okay maybe I should stop for a while. Anyway, I'm doing SS tonight, wanna test myself hehe.
Alright then that's all for today, I just wanna say, my life goes on and on. I just want to see a spark that alters everything.
If life is a cycle, it's a never ending one. If life is a journey, it's a tough one. If life is a story, it's endless.
Sunday, 6 September 2009

Chlorophyll anyone?
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken at school's lab (Sorry Ms Chu!)
Alright people, I just had a stew that I cooked myself. It's yummy I would say, but I am freaking full... Even until now. The beef is soooo succulent and it's those "Melts in your mouth" kind. The soup is sweet thanks to the carrot and onion. And I think it's a good try, since it's my first time cooking stew.
The day was alright. I love the rain. I really do. Thanks to the super heavy rain in the morning, the day got cooler! And been doing Bio today. It's gonna end soon.. I mean the revision. But gonna do Physics tonight. I'm kind of getting interested in it. Thanks to Nissa and the people that helped me yesterday.
Oh well. I'm sure some people will be like "It's 50 more days to O level and you're still blogging?". Honestly speaking I'm asking that question to myself too. I don't know, blogging seems to be the way to kind of calm myself down everyday. Well I'm going to stop blogging anyway. Somehow the days are just getting busier, and busier.
Oh well I think I better stop here. See ya then!
O level I love you!
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Oh well, I guess.
Okay people, as promised, I'll tell how skies can turn in a blink but let me share you of today's activity.
Well today I would say it's a fruitful day for me. Went to library with Chong Tuck, Yang Peng, Nissa, Sharon and Tacy who came later. I did Physics TYS with Nissa and... Wow, I did like 5 papers and got most of em right. Of course thank to everyone who helped me especially Nissa. Thanks a lot!
Then I left early cause I am eating dinner with sis so yeah. Well had a scrumptious Ramen at one ramen bar which is like godly, heavenly, paradisely nice haha.
Alright so now I shall show you.

Okay this just looks like an ordinary blue sky right? And in like a few minutes...

And it turned into this.... Like an eye eh?

Add a sunset and voila! Isn't a beauty?
Well that's the skies changing into something even more beautiful. How I wish this happens just like in our lives. Wouldn't it be amazing? You don't have to worry for the future cause it will just get better. Well, that wouldn't be possible I think.
So remember, live your life to the fullest and never give up. Even if there's something blocking you, think of it as a challenge and that something better's gonna happen after that thingy. Well, just enjoy life.
Okay why am I getting philosophical again! Haha. Okay anyway I'm watching "The Happening" now and it's rather thrilling... So see ya!
For four years...
Well today I would say it's a fruitful day for me. Went to library with Chong Tuck, Yang Peng, Nissa, Sharon and Tacy who came later. I did Physics TYS with Nissa and... Wow, I did like 5 papers and got most of em right. Of course thank to everyone who helped me especially Nissa. Thanks a lot!
Then I left early cause I am eating dinner with sis so yeah. Well had a scrumptious Ramen at one ramen bar which is like godly, heavenly, paradisely nice haha.
Alright so now I shall show you.

Okay this just looks like an ordinary blue sky right? And in like a few minutes...

And it turned into this.... Like an eye eh?

Add a sunset and voila! Isn't a beauty?
Well that's the skies changing into something even more beautiful. How I wish this happens just like in our lives. Wouldn't it be amazing? You don't have to worry for the future cause it will just get better. Well, that wouldn't be possible I think.
So remember, live your life to the fullest and never give up. Even if there's something blocking you, think of it as a challenge and that something better's gonna happen after that thingy. Well, just enjoy life.
Okay why am I getting philosophical again! Haha. Okay anyway I'm watching "The Happening" now and it's rather thrilling... So see ya!
For four years...
Friday, 4 September 2009

Oh time, take me to another place will ya?
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken somewhere near Victoria Concert Hall
Hello people, today was another Friday. Yeah another Friday had gone past me. How quick.
Well last night I enjoyed a SERIOUSLY good night sleep. Why? Well practically I slept for 10.5 hours. Yup, I fell asleep at 6.30, woke up at 11 only to tell myself "Okay you, go sleep" and I did! And I woke up at 5, feeling TOTALLY refreshed haha. But the odd thing is I felt really sleepy during Math.
Today was another ordinary day, after school went to library to get the EL compre answer sheet, only knowing that Ms Manjit didn't put it there... And waited for like one hour and did Physics with Federick while waiting (Thanks for the help!) only to anticipate nothing. Oh well, that's life I suppose.
Went home and... SLEEP! Okay just kidding. Spent the afternoon eating lunch and watching TV. Well and somehow today, I met many of my primary school friends. And they looked... Different from what they are 5 years ago haha. Time flowed, people changed. Duh, cause your cells replace the old cells.
Well and thanks to my ipod touch, I have the game Reversi now. And I enjoyed playing it... And so does Waiyee... And... I ALWAYS LOSE TO HER... ROAR! Haha. There was even once when she beat me with a score of 57 to 7... Pathetic me. And I never beat her. Not once.
Well sometimes a simple game like reversi reflects our life you know. There was once when Waiyee and I played, and I was winning, but with one click, Waiyee simply changed the whole board into a colour of white. One button, one move, one click. And I lost.
So, just like in Reversi, our life could simply change drastically for the worst, or for the better, in a sudden. It's so quick it's so fast that it just happened in a blink. And then, everything changes.
And oh these days, the skies are beautiful if you realised. But yet, the sky also taught us a lesson. How beauty could disappear in a matter of seconds. And how ugliness could turn to beauty in a blink. I'll show you a pic tomorrow or other days about this story.
So, just like the skies, our life could turn for the better, or for the worst, just like how I clicked my hand in class to others (Only 4E1 would know I this, I think).
Alright why am I getting philosophical? Okay one conclusion? I'm stressed I think. And oh, I think I'm addicted to studying, which is good. Okay see ya! Bio bao bei is waiting for me.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Happy Birthday to my blog!
Holy crap! I forgot that the 1st of September is my blog's birthday! So anyway here's to you my blog...
So firstly thank you for bearing my rantings and complaints and anger and... Yeah. Secondly, thank you for allowing me to write my life's story and symphony. Thirdly, thank you for being such a great friend when I need to release my steam out of my head. You've been a good friend of mine where I can confess haha!
And of course thanks to Annabel who helped me to create this blog one year ago. I really hope I can keep this blog till eternity. Till my health prevents me from blogging anymore. Anyway, it's fun writing your life's story you know. Alright see ya!
One year of symphony.
So firstly thank you for bearing my rantings and complaints and anger and... Yeah. Secondly, thank you for allowing me to write my life's story and symphony. Thirdly, thank you for being such a great friend when I need to release my steam out of my head. You've been a good friend of mine where I can confess haha!
And of course thanks to Annabel who helped me to create this blog one year ago. I really hope I can keep this blog till eternity. Till my health prevents me from blogging anymore. Anyway, it's fun writing your life's story you know. Alright see ya!
One year of symphony.
I knew it

Photography by Yours Truly
Taken at Holland V's starbucks!
OMG, well if you've heard the news... There's an earthquake in Indonesia! And my hometown was hit.. 7.4 in Richter Scale! Well my sis called and she said everything is fine, just that the earthquake is REALLY huge she told me. Hugest ever.
Well talking about earthquake, the most scariest earthquake I've experienced is like 5 point something in the R.S and it's really huge. So huge that my glass toppled down while I was having my cup of milk in the morning. So huge that my table shook and wobbled. Well that was like when I was in Primary 3... And I was terribly shocked cause it's my first earthquake experience.
Well today was another great day, I didn't sleep again! Maybe thanks to Mrs Lee's doughnuts, they are yummy and I ate three, one for me, the other from Jolene and the other a leftover. And surprisingly, I survived the day with only three doughnuts and two bottles of green tea. I didn't have recess at all. And I ate lunch, which was a scrumptious Kuay Chap.
And PE was terribly fun today, again as the poem goes, the ball game we love where everyone goes frantic. I couldn't stop laughing and screaming haha, it was just too hilarious. Well sadly, that's the last PE game I'll have. And it's kinda sad that only a handful of people were playing. Like enjoying themselves. Well, it's over and it's too late I guess.
The reason why I blogged early today is that, I wanna revise at night. I realised spending the time on the computer from 8 - 9 PM is the "danger time slot" because I usually ended up using it until 9++. So now it is then.
Alright I guess that's all for today's symphony. It's a beautiful symphony I suppose. Bye!
Haha I knew it!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009

If I were a bird, I'll go to places I want to be. And be free
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in Norway, one of the Fjords
Holy cow, my blogspot is working again! In FireFox! And look I can even upload pictures! Yay, well it's all thanks to this blogspot forum, and someone gave the solution to the problem. Well it's not really blogger's fault. It's SINGNET fault.
I mean it's so ridiculous and infuriating. How can you chat and can't surf the web (I mean if you compare these two actions, chatting seem to be more "complicated" than surfing the web right?) and it's so irritating like when you go to imeem for example, and suddenly the web page is gone and even if your refresh a thousand times, it won't work! It's so !#()#$*%(#&@*#$&@#*$
And when you go to blogger, it simply just couldn't work, it's like so WTF? And how irritating can it be... It's so... ARRRGGGGHHH
But anyway, it worked now so... YOU BETTER STAY THE SAME OR IMPROVE YOU SINGNET!
Whew, thanks blog for allowing me to rant. Anyway today was a great day, I went to the library with Nissa to study. We did Amath and we did well, in like 3 hours time ( plus 30 mins of settling down, 30 of chatting and discussing [fragments of chats/discussion of course] ) but we did okay. And there we met Chong Tuck and Yang Peng. I left early cause I gotta eat my lunch haha.
Stayed from 1130 - 1600, which is the longest so far (break my record) haha but CT told me that YP could stay there for like 6 hours during Sunday! Amazing. And I did Bio and Physics there as well, thanks Nissa for the help!
Well the day passed simply like that with nothing much happening after that. I feel lethargic these days, like I wanna sleep I wanna sleep. Perhaps is the weather and perhaps is I am really tired, I don't know really.
Alright I guess that's all for the day. I have to do literature and study Bio again. Or Physics. See ya then!
Life sucks when I'm in this situation.
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