Don't run away from your fear. Embrace it.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Taken on my table, and that's my piano cover! Lol
Ooh yeah baby, prelim is over! But nope, I'm not happy nor relaxed (A little hehe) because, O Level is the main thing! I'm just warming up you know, like a pre-war preparation. Like I'm stocking up on my weapons now... And yes.
Today Chem paper was a little okay, but it's so damn freaking tricky. And I felt so depressed because there are questions that I did before and I get it wrong, and I did it again, and I get it wrong again. How can I be so careless? GOD. Haha, it's okay, shi bai shi cheng gong zhi mu.
Anyway as what Mr Andy said, we have to do this self-reflection of every exam. So I guess I shall do mine here.
What I did good.
I think my time management is improving, except for some paper. And I feel that my planning for every paper was going according to plan in like 80% of the time.
What I did bad.
My time-management still can be improved, I need to be more focused, my revision time can also be improved and yeah. And I'm not perfect, so I'm sure I can do better.
That's it for my reflection haha. Today after my paper, I went to SLEEP right after I ate my lunch. For your info, I only had 5 hours of sleep last night, I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I try. And the siesta I had was sooooooooo NICE. I slept from 2 - 6 and yeah, it's like one of the best siesta I've ever had. Yum.
Well tonight, I don't know what I will be doing. Either I'm going to study, or take a break, or do nothing. But the first choice is most probably the best choice hehe. Time's precious yeah.
Alright I guess that's all for today. Tomorrow school is going back to normal. Result s will be out and I'm looking forward to it. Bad or good, it's all about accepting. Anyway remember.
We are all born to be weak. But we grow strong. Remember that!
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