Lime lime lime.
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken somewhere in Singapore
No no, I'm not saying Prelim is over haha, there's still one more paper to go. Loving it!
And yes it's 30 more days to O Level, how lovely and how exciting! I love O Level you know, I'm serious! Hehe
Talking about exams and studies, I didn't do much today... And yes I feel kind of guilty for doing so. But I did Chem in the morning, and spent the afternoon on the TV, and cooking! I cooked some lemon spaghetti today, I would say it's nice, just that there's too much pepper haha.
Watched Project Runway Season 5 Marathon on Discovery T&L and they (the designers) are so cool! Except for Kenlee... RAWR. And I love Leanne... Her designs are simple, nice and cute. She's also pretty lol! But I also love Kartom's designs. It's so green, but I love it.
Hmm yeah, that's all for the day. Gonna start revising and finishing my revision. So far done one cycle of Chem, like hmm "unofficially". I don't really how to finish a cycle. For me, I read TYS, do TYS and read my revision notes, which is like according to the syllabus. So I count that as a revision.
Alright then, see you guys! Take break and study smart!
Oh well, lets get going.
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