Our time is running out.
Photography by Yours Truly.
I love Jasmine tea!
Hello people, depressing day for me today haha. First the result, and second the insomnia.
Well firstly, last night I couldn't sleep at all. I went to be at 1, and I couldn't sleep and I simply closed my eyes until like 2 AM. I decided to listen to my ipod, well yes, in a sense it made me feel sleepy but I couldn't sleep again until like 4 AM. And I woke up at 6. Amazing, 2 hours of sleep.
The good thing is that I didn't feel sleepy at all today, except when I went out to eat with Jes and Neal. I started to shut my eyes and I even fell asleep during my bus trip home.
Anyone has tips on how to stop insomnia?
Well as for the results, it was rather depressing to know most of my result. My SS was horrendous, my History was alright, thanks a lot to Stalin it pulled my marks up. Physics MCQ was a WOW. Yeah, a negative WOW haha. I'm rather surprised with my Literature P1 mark. And in the other hand, I'm very happy that I get my first 70 for my EM Paper one.
Tomorrow, more shocks will appear.
Well I think all of the teachers are right, we're going to feel depressed these days thanks to all of these results. But no. These results actually drive me even more to do better! Hehe. Yeah, I don't and I won't see these grades again next year in my O Level result slip. I hope my lowest grade would be a 3, or better.
Anyway today was normal I guess, I studied a little Physics and Biology. Need to work more and harder yes. I want to do well, and I will do well. And I hope all of us can do well. And leave a legacy haha, as Ms Manjit said. Who knows?
Alright that's all for today people, more shocks coming up, more depressing moments, but it's okay. I'll face it. Like a MAN lol! See you then.
I'm okay with it. Seriously. I don't care.
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