If only life were as good as this view
I would be free...
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in Norway.
Oh well, another day gone, 45 more days to O Level, how lovely. 5 days gone in just a matter of... Days yeah. But to me it feels like hours. Well, let time flow on its own then. And let the days peel by quickly like orange skin.
Okay I'm getting nuts.
Anyway, today studied with Kelvin and Sharon. Not at Jurong Library cause we're sick of notbeing able to find seats (well maybe that's our fault for not coming early). We studied in Bukit Merah library! Well it's smaller as compared to Jurong but we studied on a bench. Not so comfy but we did quite a lot. I did Physics again today. I wanna do Chem tonight. Touched very little of Chem.
Studying is my life.
Well I don't think that's the right phrase to say. Music IS my life haha! But seriously I studied a lot, really a lot this week. I mean hello, it's every day of studying. But it's okay, xian ku hou tian, bitter first, sweet later. Direct translation. You should know the meaning.
Yeah I made a commitment to myself that I wanna do well for O's. I want to see my name flashed on the screen next year for being one of the top students. Well it maybe impossible but nothing is impossible right. So I just wanna push myself till O level is over so that my dream will come true. I wanna get 7 A1's.... Sounds hard, but... (refer to the top again, please)
Yes break, I need a break! I want to slack, I wanna relax and have fun. Tomorrow it is then, I wanna take a break from all the studying tomorrow. And after O Levels... I want to go for a holiday! I don't care, is a MUST. I WANT TO GO. Somewhere, anywhere, anytime. I'm thinking of traveling alone to a place I don't know. But I doubt I'll be allowed.
So well that's all for today I guess. Feel so much better after blogging. My mind seems to be more relaxed and that's a good thing! Alright to all who are taking Prelims next week, all the best! To those studying, take breaks okay, not too much though. See ya!
If only I could fly.
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