Oh time, take me to another place will ya?
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken somewhere near Victoria Concert Hall
Hello people, today was another Friday. Yeah another Friday had gone past me. How quick.
Well last night I enjoyed a SERIOUSLY good night sleep. Why? Well practically I slept for 10.5 hours. Yup, I fell asleep at 6.30, woke up at 11 only to tell myself "Okay you, go sleep" and I did! And I woke up at 5, feeling TOTALLY refreshed haha. But the odd thing is I felt really sleepy during Math.
Today was another ordinary day, after school went to library to get the EL compre answer sheet, only knowing that Ms Manjit didn't put it there... And waited for like one hour and did Physics with Federick while waiting (Thanks for the help!) only to anticipate nothing. Oh well, that's life I suppose.
Went home and... SLEEP! Okay just kidding. Spent the afternoon eating lunch and watching TV. Well and somehow today, I met many of my primary school friends. And they looked... Different from what they are 5 years ago haha. Time flowed, people changed. Duh, cause your cells replace the old cells.
Well and thanks to my ipod touch, I have the game Reversi now. And I enjoyed playing it... And so does Waiyee... And... I ALWAYS LOSE TO HER... ROAR! Haha. There was even once when she beat me with a score of 57 to 7... Pathetic me. And I never beat her. Not once.
Well sometimes a simple game like reversi reflects our life you know. There was once when Waiyee and I played, and I was winning, but with one click, Waiyee simply changed the whole board into a colour of white. One button, one move, one click. And I lost.
So, just like in Reversi, our life could simply change drastically for the worst, or for the better, in a sudden. It's so quick it's so fast that it just happened in a blink. And then, everything changes.
And oh these days, the skies are beautiful if you realised. But yet, the sky also taught us a lesson. How beauty could disappear in a matter of seconds. And how ugliness could turn to beauty in a blink. I'll show you a pic tomorrow or other days about this story.
So, just like the skies, our life could turn for the better, or for the worst, just like how I clicked my hand in class to others (Only 4E1 would know I this, I think).
Alright why am I getting philosophical? Okay one conclusion? I'm stressed I think. And oh, I think I'm addicted to studying, which is good. Okay see ya! Bio bao bei is waiting for me.
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