Thanks Waiyee... But it doesn't look like me.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Drawing by CHEANG Waiyee HAHAHA
Hello people, decided to blog now cause I wanna spend the night studying. Plus I have to fetch my sister from the airport later so yeah.
Hmm today is alright I guess, just a typical Sunday I usually have, that's all. I didn't do much today, I wanna take a break, but gonna start to study soon. I guess this is my life, this is how my Sunday feels like. It's weird but it's amazing how I always live my Sunday like this.
Anyway these days I've been dreaming weird dreams. And I think it's because I study too much that I dreams of studies. I once dreamed about that funny history O Level, I dreamed once about studying again. But the funny thing is that I always forget the dreams I had after I woke up. It's so... Weird and it's annoying cause your mind is wondering what the dream is, but you don't know!
I know that I dreamed something weird last night... Something like I went to a place with my friends, and then I forgot what happened. It's really weird but it's true haha. Oh well, some say that dreams are just your brain playing tick on you. Some say they are the key to your imagination (provided you dream about proper things). I don't know.
Dreams are interesting, all the absurd and funny things can happen inside there.
I'm listening to this radio stream in itunes now and their music are nice! It's a US radio station I think. They have radio that plays movie soundtrack, Classical baroque, chill out music and more! I feel that Singapore should have more radio stations that play more different genre.
Well I do enjoy listening to Symphony 92.4, Class 95, Yes 93.3, 91.3 and X-FM 96.3. But if there's more radio that plays like chill out songs... Contemporary songs, Asian AND Western contemporary and more, I think it would be great.
Just a piece of my opinion though.
Okay I guess that's all for today, it's been a great, sunny Sunday. And I seriously love to chill out by listening to music. I listened to this music for like 4 minutes while closing m eyes and I felt that 20 mins had gone. Wee haha. Okay see ya!
C'est la vie!
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