If I were a bird, I'll go to places I want to be. And be free
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in Norway, one of the Fjords
Holy cow, my blogspot is working again! In FireFox! And look I can even upload pictures! Yay, well it's all thanks to this blogspot forum, and someone gave the solution to the problem. Well it's not really blogger's fault. It's SINGNET fault.
I mean it's so ridiculous and infuriating. How can you chat and can't surf the web (I mean if you compare these two actions, chatting seem to be more "complicated" than surfing the web right?) and it's so irritating like when you go to imeem for example, and suddenly the web page is gone and even if your refresh a thousand times, it won't work! It's so !#()#$*%(#&@*#$&@#*$
And when you go to blogger, it simply just couldn't work, it's like so WTF? And how irritating can it be... It's so... ARRRGGGGHHH
But anyway, it worked now so... YOU BETTER STAY THE SAME OR IMPROVE YOU SINGNET!
Whew, thanks blog for allowing me to rant. Anyway today was a great day, I went to the library with Nissa to study. We did Amath and we did well, in like 3 hours time ( plus 30 mins of settling down, 30 of chatting and discussing [fragments of chats/discussion of course] ) but we did okay. And there we met Chong Tuck and Yang Peng. I left early cause I gotta eat my lunch haha.
Stayed from 1130 - 1600, which is the longest so far (break my record) haha but CT told me that YP could stay there for like 6 hours during Sunday! Amazing. And I did Bio and Physics there as well, thanks Nissa for the help!
Well the day passed simply like that with nothing much happening after that. I feel lethargic these days, like I wanna sleep I wanna sleep. Perhaps is the weather and perhaps is I am really tired, I don't know really.
Alright I guess that's all for the day. I have to do literature and study Bio again. Or Physics. See ya then!
Life sucks when I'm in this situation.
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