Sunday 9 August 2015

Happy 50th Birthday Singapore

 Happy 50th Birthday Singapore :)

It's the 9th of August once again and it's Singapore's national day! It's her 50th national day today, and I would like to wish a very happy national day to my Singaporean friends. I think this day will somehow, always be a special day for me. I spent 11 years of my life studying on that sunny island. And celebrating its national day on the 9th of August every year. So yes, I always reminisce the good old days back when I was still studying there. In a place which is always special for me.

Like I once said in my blog, spending 11 years studying in Singapore has made me redefine my definition of the word "home". To me, home is a place in which you have developed an emotional and sentimental attachment to. And Singapore is definitely such a place. I can't help but to develop these attachments from the little moments that I experienced while I was there.

The commute to and from school. Traveling on the bus or MRT, listening to music as I pass by the sights and scenes the city has to offer. The lunch I had, be it in Clementi or Holland Village, or even in school. My beloved schools, Pei Tong Primary, Tanglin Secondary and Singapore Polytechnic. My neighbourhood, Clementi and Holland Village. All of these places, all of these things that I have been doing while I was in Singapore, they definitely formed an emotional and sentimental attachment to me.

I find it very funny sometimes, whenever I remind myself that I actually studied there for a great 11 years. Like when I was born, when I grew up here, I never imagined myself studying overseas. Let alone, studying overseas for that long period of time. But nevertheless, those 11 years is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life so far. Or probably the best thing.

I am also ever thankful for the friendships forged and relationships made. Like my favourite NDP song says, it feels comforting to know that I won't be alone in Singapore. There are people I know, people I can have food with, and people I can talk to. And I think that's what's home to me is - a place where you will never be alone. And I don't have to necessarily feel "accompanied" by the people that I already know. I feel like just by walking around Singapore, I don't feel alone. Because it feels like I can easily blend in with the people. Thank you Singlish! Haha.

When I decided to return home for good, there are some doubts within me. I know for sure, that I am leaving all my friends behind. I didn't really think about it, until some days, I have to swallow the bitterness and realise that hey, I have no friends here hah. Okay well a few of my primary school friends here actually still keep in contact with me - even though it's only by means of communicating via social media. Other than my family, and some people I know rather well - I have no friends here.

And sometimes I really miss those days in Singapore when I can just call someone and ask them if they wanna go for dinner, and an hour later, we'll be somewhere having dinner together. Those days where I will have food/drinks with my friends after classes and so on. Although don't get me wrong, I don't feel lonely here. I have my family around me, and I have gotten myself so busy that I don't even have that much time eating out and stuff haha. So it's alright.

As much as I'm fine being alone, I do miss the company of my friends at times.

Okay I diverged too much here! Anyway, just wanna wish Singapore a happy 50th birthday again! I am still looking for a some days where I can return back. It's been 8 months since I last went to Singapore - the longest time since I left Singapore haha. I can't wait to go back. Hopefully soon!

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