Wednesday 21 November 2018

Full of Dreams

A Head Full of Dreams

Last Wednesday while I was in Jakarta for PREP, I took the chance to also catch the Coldplay documentary "A Head Full of Dreams" which was showing for one day only worldwide on the 14th of November! When I saw the announcement I quickly bought a ticket from CGV, which thankfully has a branch in Pacific Place. Also thankfully the timing didn't clash! I caught the one at 16:30.

Well I would say it was an amazing documentary. I'm so thankful that Matt Whitecross, the director of the film, decided to document the life of Codplay since their beginning. The documentary really shows how Coldplay was formed, their trial and tribulations, and of course their journey. From doing gigs in a small pub, to sold-out stadiums worldwide. It literally is a movie about a head full of dreams!

There's no way we can deny that Coldplay is one of the greatest bands of my generation. A lot of people around the world grew up with them. And I am pretty sure they will be like the "Beatles" of our parents. Like how my parents talk about how much they love the Beatles in their 50s. When we are in our 50s, we'll probably talk to people about how much we love Coldplay haha.

There is also a central theme, in my opinion, that surround the movie. It is about manifestation... Am I the only one who thinks about this? I like how Chris Martin has this image of the band. How the 4 of them will be big in 20 years time, how they will get signed, and this and that. And somehow all of these words come true! Of course, the band has worked really hard all of these years. There's also a theme of not giving up, of always having hope. Which is essentially what their latest album is all about.

I was a bit surprised when Chris said that "this is just a beginning" at the end of their AHFOD tour in Sao Paulo. But after watching the documentary, I truly understand what he meant! :)

I hope you can give this a watch, it's on Amazon Prime videos I think. Their live album and DVD is coming out on 9th December! Thank you Matt for making such a beautiful documentary of my favourite band on earth. If the universe allows, I want to see them live one more time :)

Ending off this post with the lyrics from A Head Full of Dreams!

"When you get a head full of dreams, 
you can see the change you wanted
be what you want to be"

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