Saturday 9 May 2015


So let me tell you something funny that happened today. 

I was lying on my bed just now in the evening when suddenly I heard this loud noise made by a lizard. As I looked up, I saw 2 lizards making out on the ceiling. And right as I tilted my head up... The one humping just fell gracefully from the ceiling directly on top of my head. I jumped out and that lizard leaped onto my table. And it was just chilling out for a while, maybe shocked, then climbed up the wall.

I was just staring at the lizard and... It was then chilling out on the wall hah.

So I told this incident to my mum and she told me that there was a belief that it's a bad thing if a lizard fell on you. And you have to chase the lizard or something. Well I did chase the lizard even though it decided on my table haha. And then I went to search on the net about the significance of this occurence and apparently... There's an Indian belief that having a lizard fell on you is a bad omen! Well depends on the different part of the body that it falls on. Some brings good omen.

Actually... I don't know where the lizard land on. But I do remember closing my eyes hah, cause I was just so shocked and scared and I just jumped out of my bed. So actually I don't know where it landed on. Although the lizard was on top of me, on the ceiling.

But oh well be it bad or good omen, lets not believe it fully that it will affect my life heh. I'll take it as a good omen because nothing bad happens to me and the lizard. The lizard survived the fall, and I survived the jump-out-of-bed incident. Perhaps he was shocked due to the fall, but he's alright.

I do believe in some superstitions but well, to let a superstition rule over your life, that is very bad too. I've always believed in the Buddha's teaching of the Middle Way - That there must be a balance between experiencing sensual pleasures and experiencing self-mortification. Basically don't hurt yourself, and don't enjoy yourself too much. That's why all I can conclude from this event is that the lizard and I are okay, and yay, happy days! Win-win situation right?

I think being in Asia, we grow up with a lot of superstitions. Although as we grow up, we realise that a lot of these superstitions are out of our logic. Like how can having a lizard fall on you gives you bad omen... Right? Sometimes I believe that superstitions are caused by a "placebo" effect. Like let say I really believe that having a lizard fell onto me a bad omen, and I will keep on thinking about this. And somehow, when bad things happen to me, I "blame" it on the lizard for giving me a bad omen.

I'll just stick with the Buddhist teaching. Don't add suffering to others and yourself. So let go of this "bad omen thoughts" because thinking about it just make me more stressed heh. Maybe I should pray for the lizard so that he can make out again and produce more babies hmmm.

Alright I don't know what I'm talking about hah. But yes, I hope I don't get any bad omen.

(Oh the irony)

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