Thursday 8 October 2015

Enya's New Album (Coming Soon)!

Enya's single from her upcoming album!

Something happened today that made me feel so excited and happy! So I was scrolling through my Facebook timeline when I saw "Enya updated their cover photo" and I saw her name and some tiny words below. I clicked on it and it reads "Dark Sky Islands, 20.11.15 and I literally wanted to exclaim "oh my god" but I was still in the office so... I tried to suppress my excitement really well. 

Seven is the number of years I waited for a new song from Enya! Her last album "And Winter Came" was released back in 2008. It was followed with a compilation album of her best songs and that's it. I saw on Wiki that she was writing and recording a new album so I was feeling very excited for her. But well it will only be released next month. And I really really can't wait! Time fly quickly please haha.

Anyway I was reading the YouTube comments just now when I discovered a good observation made by someone. He mentioned that this is Enya's first album "under the watchful eye of Social Media". Which is very true. I was reading the comments on her FB page and how some people were commenting that the song is boring, repetitive, or that it's the same old stuff. I was kinda upset about it!

I waited seven years for a new song from her and when I first heard it earlier, I am just so happy and glad that what I am listening to - is Enya. This is Enya and the song is her. Like I once mentioned, people need to stop thinking that artists write songs that cater to others' needs. Or her fans' needs! I mean shouldn't you feel glad too that she didn't drastically change a lot in these 7 years?

I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I'm just glad that I am hearing Enya in this new song of hers. Not anyone else, not another individual. But Enya herself! November is going to be an exciting month for music cause first there was Adele (not confirmed) and now there's Enya! :)


purpleskies said...

That's good news! I haven't listened to much of Enya's songs but I know her voice just has this unique, ethereal quality hehe. oh yes, Adele! Been waiting for 4 years and counting, I hope there's a confirmed release date soon!

Adhi S said...

Do give her a listen! I love her lyrics haha. She's the queen of newage in my opinion. #fanboy92