Friday 9 October 2015


So today wasn't really a good day because... Someone actually has the guts to break into one of my workers' house to steal his phone and some money. Money from the flower sales for this week, which is supposed to be deposited into the bank. But hey the burglar was kind enough to leave my worker's wallet and bag behind! Still, I wish you a smooth journey to hell.

Just kidding. 

People always say here that "Uang yang didapatkan secara tidak halal, pasti akan hilang". Which translates to: Money that you earned by inappropriate ways, will one day disappear. So I don't really give a fuck to the money that he stole because it won't be any good use to him. It will disappear. I hope it will get stolen by someone again. Cause karma is a bitch my friend.

Does it mean the money was earned via inappropriate ways? Hmm no. Well it was lost by something that is beyond our control (i.e: burglary). I think money that you earned by inappropriate ways will be lost voluntarily. You know like maybe you spent it on something that made you a loss. Or maybe you spend it on an electronic device and it will spoil/it will get lost too. You know what I mean.

My dad always tells me that when you lose things in life, you don't really lose anything. It is when you lose part of your health, that's when you truly lose something. The first thing I asked when my worker told me that someone stole his money and phone was: Are you okay? Is anyone hurt? If the answer is no then okay. If someone is hurt oh boy I will definitely take action.

You see when I lose things, I don't see the things that I lost. I simply see at the action of stealing. When I lose money (say I got ripped off etc), well I'll just tell myself "bukan rezeki saya" (it's not my luck). I don't feel unhappy with the fact that I lose some money, but I am unhappy with the fact that I someone has to do this bad deed to others. Why would you right?

I used to have this thought that when someone stole something, I'll just let it go because that person may need that thing more than me. But then again I think to myself - there are always more than one way to get out of a bad situation in life, other than stealing money to help your condition.

I always feel that whatever you do to others, you don't just do it between you and that person. You are also dealing with the God that you believe in. And if you don't believe in God, then you're dealing with your own life. Your life's journey. Your future, your family, your children and so on.

I'm a true believer in Karma and I don't think the karmic law only falls for Buddhists. Karma is a law of nature. Whatever you do, you will get something in return. You do bad things, you will get bad things and vice versa. Simple as that! So yep. To whoever stole that money, I wish you all the best in life. Because life will get rough on you. I can't help but to sympathise with you and your pathetic action. 

That's all.

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