Sunday 25 October 2015


So Adele recently released her new single, after 4 years, titled Hello. The song shook the whole world, cause after waiting for a long time (4 years is long okay), Adele finally released a new song! I really can't wait for the album to drop because I think it's going to be a great album. And definitely something I can relate to - cause she posted a photo of a note on Facebook about the new album. And in the note, she wrote "25 is about getting to know who I've become without realising". This sentence sounds very familiar to my heart. Mmhmm. I wish tomorrow is the 20th of November haha.

Adele's songs are emotionally powerful. I think she's just a wonderful singer. Her powerful voice, combined with lyrics that will definitely touch your heart. Although you're not in a relationship heh. I saw on Twitter how someone joked that Adele songs will make you think about your ex even though you've never been in a relationship with anyone haha. I share the same sentiment too!

I was talking to Syaz the other day about how this song is so sad. And I told her I can't imagine how people who had went through relationships that didn't work out feel after listening to this song. I mean... I've been single all my life and this song sounds super sad and emotional to me. That's how powerful Adele songs are I suppose. Someone Like You is also a brutal killer hahaha.

Anyway... I have listened to a lot of great songs and some of them are about you know, break-ups and moving on and so on. I do feel that these songs are great because they are beautifully written and that they are just pure amazing. But well, I can't feel a "connection" to these songs because I have never been in a relationship in my life. The only times when I would feel heartbroken would be when I realise my crush is either taken or well, knowing it's impossible for us to be in a relationship. Which is what happen most of the time. Not gonna lie. It's the story of my life.

Well to those who have been heartbroken, I know it's tough but it's more important to move on with life. Because there are reasons why you fall in love with someone, and why sometimes it just doesn't work out. You'll know the reason one day, but don't dwell on it! Because it gives you nothing but more sadness. Whatever is meant to be, is meant to be. And what isn't, will not.

I suck at giving relationship advices. Cause obviously, I've never been in one hah. But it's weird because a lot of times people ask me about them. Oh well, I hope you like Adele's new song as much as I do! I really can't wait for 20th November to come. Enya and Adele releasing their new album after such a long time. It's definitely going to be a superb album. Alright have a great week people :)

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