Thursday 14 January 2016

Have Faith

Today my homeland's capital was rocked with a bomb attack. I can never understand why all of these people are doing it. Is there anything you get from killing people and causing harm to others? Don't you have any idea how the family of the victims are feeling? Not only the victims, but people around the vicinity? How worried they are? Why do people kill people? I will never get it.

It is days like today that make us seem to lose faith in humanity. But no, we shouldn't. When we lose faith in humanity, it is when we admit defeat to these heartless people who believe so. They are really trying to break us apart. And no, we cannot let them do that. We need to stand together and tell them firmly that humanity is still here, it's still around. We need to convince them that their tactics are not working. Because I always believe that love always wins in the end.

It always hurts me whenever I hear such news. Everyday, somewhere around the world, people are suffering because of mindless and heartless acts of other people who believe they should be God. No one has the right to take anyone's life except for the one above. No human has the right to. So why do you have to do this? I don't fucking get it really. Why do we need to hurt one another!?

But I'm proud of the people of my country. I've seen Go-Jeks (A motorcycle "taxi" company) giving free rides, I've seen people notifying each other that they are alright. I don't see people pointing one another, I just see people condemning such acts. And most importantly, people are telling these heartless people.


We are not afraid

Condolences to all the victims who died in today's tragedy, may their family and peers be given strength. And may the injured gain a speedy recovery. Take care everyone.

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