Saturday 9 April 2016


Today is the 100th day of 2016! Can you believe that. Okay I need to stop asking myself (and you) whether you believe that time is flying so quickly! But yes, 100 days of the year is gone and we have 266 days more to go. How's everyobody's year going so far? I hope everything is okay, and that you're in track with you resolutions and goals for the year! Well mine is going great so far...

Because today marks the 100th day that I've become a vegetarian :D

This is the longest ever duration in my life that I go without meat. And tell you what, I can definitely live without it! Mwahaha. The past 100 days have taught me that really, I can live without meat. Just don't take away rice and chilli from me :P I've been doing really well so far. Still enjoying my time in the toilet egesting undigested food with the help of lots of fibers teehee.

Well to be honest with you I am feeling normal. I don't feel "healthier" or "better" in some sort (except the egesting of undigested food part). I didn't lose any weight... As I was hoping haha. Well I did lose weight in the first month but after that I went back again. But here are some health improvements that I felt throughout these 100 days. Well something that I've noticed in myself as well.

I feel that I fall sick less? Okay I did catch a flu and sore-throat back in January like after I returned from Singapore. Usually I feel very horrible when I'm sick, and it takes quite a long time for me to recover. But this time round I recovered rather quickly, within 2 days or so. And then after that... I can't remember anytime else that I actually fall sick. I hope that's a good thing!

I was reading online about how this is normal. Because perhaps before I was a vegetarian, I didn't receive enough nutrients to keep my body strong. And now that I've been eating lots of vegetables and fruits, I received the right amount of nutrients, and thus keeping my immune system better?

Secondly I feel that my mood become better. More like... I become less moody, and I feel that I can control my emotions better I suppose. Perhaps this is because of my meditation as well. But again, I was reading online about how a diet rich in plant-based food help to improve hormonal balance in the body. That keeps your emotion levels checked, and make you become less moody.

Thirdly, this one is the same thing experienced by Vithya - I feel more energised! This is something I noticed the most throughout my day. Okay here's the thing, usually I'll feel very sleepy after lunch. I even usually take a nap before doing work after lunch. And sometimes I'll even nap before lunch! Because I usually feel sleepy and groggy. But I realised after a month of being vegetarian, I have more energy and I feel less sleepy. Which in turn also helps my sleep quality at night :D

Fourthly, I never experience constipation ever haha. 

Fifthly, this is not a great difference but I feel that my face clears up. Usually I get huge pimples every month. Now I usually just get one or two, tiny ones! Not sure if this is something to do with my diet, but like as a saying goes, what you eat can determine your outside beauty mmhmm.

But nevertheless, what I'm happy the most is that...  (Almost) No animals have to be killed to give food on my plate. And that's my goal out of this lifestyle change - to decrease the amount of suffering in this world. Even though I'm not a vegan, and I still consume eggs and dairy I hope I play a tiny role in this world. I really want to be a vegan. But I'll wait until I live by myself or something.

You see the thing is I don't really care much about the benefits I get out of being a vegetarian. I'm happy as long as I can help to reduce the suffering of these animals. Whatever I get in return for doing so, I take it as a gift from nature heh. So I may not lose weight, I may not feel wonderfully special and stuff. But well, less animals have to die because I don't eat meat! So yep.

I hope you can join me in this veggie merry-go-round! You can always begin with meatless Mondays :D

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