Saturday 9 February 2019


It's Saturday night and I'm just chilling out with some records playing in the background. Anyway I wanna talk about something. I'm inside the music video of one of my favourite songs, from one of my favourite Indonesian artist! I'm just really happy to be able to contribute to this music video, because this song means a lot to me. It is a song that came at the right timing, that I'm glad to have crossed paths with. It's none other than Rehat by Kunto Aji, from his second album - Mantra Mantra.

Anyway the title Rehat means rest. Or like taking a break. More about the song later!

Right so in December, Kunto Aji (I call him by Mas Kun haha) posted on Instagram that he's collaborating with nkcthi for the music video of Rehat. There are 4 themes where we can follow, and we have to submit a video of 20 seconds in duration according to the themes. The themes are: morning ritual, chasing your dreams, failures and rehat itself. As mentioned above, this song means a lot to me. So of course I want to be part of the video together with many people!

I submitted two videos, one for morning ritual and one for rehat. My video is very simply, just a video of me meditating hah. Morning meditation has become a ritual for me in 2018. I decided to split my meditation into two, one in the morning and one in the evening. And it's been enjoyable so far! One of the new habits that I'm glad to have formed in 2018. As for the rehat video, I sent a video of me lighting up my aromatherapy candle. Also a new "obsession" I have thanks to my insomnia.

I wasn't really intending to have my videos chosen. I just want to take part and hopefully contribute to the video. And... My meditation video got chosen! To be honest I really really salute Mas Kun's team and the editor because the music video is so so beautiful. I heard that they have 1200+ video submissions. And I'm pretty sure lots of them are beautiful! Like the ones in the video. I really salute them for choosing all the videos because for me, that would be a very difficult process haha.

Anyway yes I'm just happy that I'm able to contribute to the music video. This song means a lot to me.

Why? Here goes.

2018 was rather a challenging for me, mentally and psychologically. I still remember in September ish, I was just feeling really crappy and stressed out. Until that night, when Mantra Mantra was released, I gave the album a listen from top to bottom. When I reached Rehat, I just stopped whatever I was doing and gave this song so many repeats heh. The lyrics are so so beautiful. Suddenly all of my worries disappear, and I become so much calmer. And Rehat has been in my monthly playlist since then.

Particularly the words "biarkanlah semesta bekerja untuk mu". Which co-incidentally is one of my favourite mottos in life - "let the universe work for you". Or also "may the universe conspire with you".

And the lyrics that go before the line above: "yang di cari, hilang. Yang di kejar, lari. Yang di tunggu, yang di harap".  It means something along this line: "Things that you're searching, go missing. Things that you're chasing, running away from you. Things that you're waiting for, hoping for..."

These lyrics hit a chord in my heart because well like I mentioned in my year-end post, 2018 felt like a year where I was hungry for permanence. For assurance, and for certainty. And life being life, you can never get all of these, because nothing in life is certain, except for death and uncertainty hah. So when I heard these lyrics, it really brought a whole level of calmness and assurance that the universe is working with you. Just don't worry and trust the process.

And also the beginning of the song that goes: "serat-serat harapan masih terjalin, suaramu terdengar, masih lah nyaring dan bergema, di ruang-ruang hatimu". It roughly translates to: "fibres of hope, still intact. Their voices heard, echoing loudly in the rooms of your heart." This is also something meaningful for me. Because as much as me trying to be a realist, part of me still holds on to the hopes that I have in my heart. It's a reminder that I still have hopes.

So yup. I love this song so much, and it means a lot to me. I am happy to be able to contribute to this music video, together with the rest of #teamrehat. I want to thank Mas Kun for writing such a beautiful and meaningful song that many people will find comfort in. Mantra Mantra is definitely an album that this world needs. Because it never stops worrying. Also to the editor of the video who has done such a fantastic job compiling and creating such a beautiful beautiful video!

Terima kasih Mas Kun, tim editor, dan #teamrehat.

Salam rehat

Oh wait I forgot. Those last few lines that go

"Untuk kalian yang lelah dengan keadaan, pencarian, kenangan, tuntutan, apa yand ada di pikiran, teirma kasih sudanh berjuang sampai sekarang". Which means: "To those of you who are tired with your situation, what you're chasing, memories, objectives, and whatever there is in your mind, thank you for fighting up till now." I cried during this part when I watched the video for the first time.

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