Tuesday 30 April 2019

Still Sleeping

I've been really busy as usual for the end of the month and... Yes, I'm just gonna do a quick post about the great music of April! To be honest I'm feeling really lazy these days to describe the albums/music hahaha. Ever since I keep a bullet journal, I've been doing the same (great music of each month) and yeah, I'm feeling lazy to do this twice heh. So I'm just going to share with you the music alright! :)

Great Music of April:
- Esja by Hania Rani (album)
- The Cure To Loneliness by Jai Wolf (album)
- Grim Town by Soak (album)
- Fear + Love by Marina (album)
- In The End by The Cranberries (album)
- By and By by Nitsua
- Forevermore by Yuna
- How Long Will This Last by Blossom
- Memory of Love by Satria Jaya
- Spirit of The Elders by Satria Jaya

Song of the Month: Forevermore by Yuna

Alright I'm going to talk about a few albums! Some interesting finds this month :)

Okay mixed feelings about the last studio album from The Cranberries. Dolores' passing last year was really a sad news for me, because I grew up with their music, and her voice. But to release a final album (which they are still finalising, when Dolores was still alive) is truly making me sad. It's like... I knew I won't hear another album from them because Dolores is no longer here with us. But nevertheless, I think it's a great album. Thank you The Cranberries for the decision to release the album. And to Dolores, I will miss your voice :( Take care wherever you are alright. We love you!

I discovered this album called Relaxations d'ailleurs: Bali from Spotify I think. I'm not sure how I came across the album, but I think it was from one of those Bali Lounge playlist haha. And oh my goodness I really love the album! Although it's a compilation album, most of the songs are written by a musician called Satria Jaya. I haven't been able to find lots of information on the artist, but wow his music is amazing. The songs combine Balinese singing with Balinese instrumentation and it truly feels like you're in Bali. Free way to "go" to Bali, just play this album! Haha.

Last but not least, I'm currently obsessed with Yuna's song Forevermore. I love the lyrics, the melody and the video. But what really made me love this song is the fact that she added some Malay elements in it! The melody from the pantun, the sounds of gong, and the video about life in Malaysia. I'm not a Malaysian but it's truly endearing to see a fellow Southeast Asian musician adds these elements in her music, for the world to listen to! Tahniah to Yuna, love the song!

Alright I think I'm not going to elaborate the new albums/music from this month onwards haha. I'm getting lazier oops. But yeah. That's all for now, back to work. See you all soon :)

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