Monday 9 September 2019


You're probably bored of me talking about this but yes, I've been finding it more and more difficult to blog these days! Ironic how this month marked the 11th year that I'm blogging but this wave of un-inspiration hit me like a tsunami haha. Well like what I mentioned in my previous post, there isn't much things to talk about these days. And also I've been quite busy too. It feels like every other night, all I wanna do is just rest and do nothing. I still do journal weekly tho. Maybe I should blog weekly too.

Like I usually blog on Saturday nights but nowadays I actually spend my Saturday nights just listening to vinyl or music in my room and do nothing. And it's such a blissful act to be honest. Also it is something I imagine myself doing on Saturday nights when I was younger. It's happening! Hah.

I usually blog/journal while listening to music on Saturday nights but these days I don't even do either. I would just lay on my bed with music blasting in my room. And it's pretty chill and enjoyable.

Alright anyway, I am going to try to accomplish what I began in mind earlier this year - of hitting 100 posts for this year. I might change my goal for next year haha. We'll see. At the rate I'm going, I don't think I'll ever hit 100 posts! But yes I might be doing Blog-tober next month.

Okay that's all for this really sad update haha. Thank you to my blog Clouds of Sunday for always being there for me! Lets write more stories together, no matter how small and how often.

Okay maybe I need to write a more proper celebratory post heh. Have a great September people.

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