Tuesday 10 May 2016

Busy Bird

I'm so sorry once again for not updating! Urghh I've been really busy non-stop ever since I got back home. Well, when you leave home for 2 weeks, you'll have 2 weeks worth of work waiting for you to be finished. So yes, you should understand why I'm busy. Although we had a long weekend last Thursday till Sunday, it was quite a busy 4 days for me that I didn't get to blog!

Anyway I've been thinking about how I should blog my Tibet trip... And I think I found it!

So I'm going to divide the post into 6 parts which goes like:

1. Introduction about my trip
2. Lhasa
3. Gyantse
4. Shigatse
5. Everest region
6. Thoughts and stuff

I don't wanna blog on a day to day basis cause that will be quite long. And also I did this already in my own personal journal heh heh. So I'll just be blogging about the places that I went to, and the things we did over there. And as usual I'll end the posts with reflections and so on. I'm going to blog about my trip throughout the remaining month of May. Also, since I only blogged 5 (out of 10) posts in April, I'm going to well compensate on the missing posts in this month! Hopefully...

It's been almost 2 weeks since my trip and I'm actually still kind of having that withdrawal syndrome haha. Been thinking about Tibet at random times of the day, I've been avoiding looking through the gallery on my phone, and I haven't been listening to music because they'll remind me of the trip :l Okay I don't usually feel this way after a trip. But with exception to this incredible journey, I can't help but feel this way! But well, I always remind myself that I should be happy that I went for this trip!

Alright that's all from me now. Will start blogging about the trip tomorrow! :)

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