Saturday 6 October 2018

Getting Rid Of Things

Can't really think of a title for this post but yeah, it goes along something like that haha.

Recently I came across a thought. In this world where we are plagued by a lot of negative emotions, life may seem like a hell to live in. We're constantly bombarded with worries. Sometimes we're burned by anger, and other days we're fed by annoyance. How can we become a calmer and more mindful person? And what really gives a rise to these emotions that we feel?

I started to ponder this. You see I can make you eat healthier food, I can make you avoid a certain type of food that is harmful to your body, and we can see changes and results in our health. I can give you medicines and I can give you treatments, and we can see your health improve gradually.

However, there is not way I can make you think a certain way. There is no way I can make you to stop worrying, to stop being angry, to forget about the small stuff and so on. There is no way I can take out that unpleasant thing that is circling through your mind. There is no way I can take something out of your mind, and put inside it. Because we are the ones who hold the key to our mind.

Remember there was a time I posted that we live in a terrifying world where we can put things on people's mind? Like extremist thoughts, and we can even tell lies to people so that they will believe them. Ultimately the mind is a very powerful thing. It's like a garden, whatever we put inside will grow with us. But we too have the power to cut and let them die. If we want to.

There are a lot of times in my life where I try to get rid of such feelings. I realised how hard it is to do so. I just find it funny how we have steps and directions to improve our health and to keep out body fit. But we don't seem to have a lot of ideas and how to improve our mental health hah. Well there are drugs we can take to cope with mental illnesses. How about before we need to take them?

So far for me... Meditation helps a lot. And I am in a conquest to be mindful and to train my mind. Meditation seems to be a good method to do so. And it's been going well I suppose.

So yeah, it is important to take care of our own body, and our health, because this is the only place we have to live in! But I think we have overlooked our mind. We can destroy our body by the unhealthy habits we keep on doing. But our mind can destroy us without us realising it. No?

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