Sunday 26 January 2014

The Pursuit

 The Pursuit

For the past few days, or maybe ever since this year has started, I've been thinking of this word. This word that seems to chase me away, while I try really hard to find its meaning, and the answer to a burning question I have in my mind. What are we actually pursuing in life?

It seems to me that every single one of us, regardless of occupation, gender and race, has something that we pursue. Businessman pursue success, maybe the definition of success for these people is like high earning. Great business. And they pursue it. Salesmen pursue their targeted sales. Teachers, maybe pursue good grades for their students.

I don't mean pursuing things as something bad and negative. I'm not trying to say that the above-mentioned people are greedy people who always pursue all these. No. Pursuing things can be a good thing. It can be used as a driving force in life so that we can reach our goals. If we put it in the positive way, a businessman pursue high earnings in order to drive their business to greater heights. Salesmen pursue their targeted sales so that they can earn bonus they deserve, and maybe for their family too, to enjoy.

So it's not so bad. Pursuing things.

But some days I feel that pursuing things can get really tiring. And I always return to the question what am I pursuing in life? Can we stop pursuing things in life? It seems to me that everyone around me is chasing for something. In one way or another, in one thing or another. And if we can stop pursuing things in life, how do we do that?

You know it's kind of funny that a few years back I tell myself, that maybe I should be a monk in the future. Live a solitary life and maybe spread my religion and the teachings of the Buddha to other people. Now perhaps I understand why I wish for that. When I ask myself, what am I pursuing in life, I told myself maybe I should just be a caretaker.. Or a nurse. So that what I pursue, is to help people, and to improve the lives of some people.

As I ask myself this question, I kind of answer to my life's calling of who I want to be in the future.

I want to be someone who change the lives of others, for the better.

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