Saturday 27 June 2015

Love Wins

 One day the flowers will stop asking why they are different.
They will realise that everyone is beautiful in their own ways.
And the world will embrace their beauty too.

Yesterday was probably one of the most historically significant date of our the century. The USA has legalised same-sex marriage across the states! After years of waiting, the LGBT couples can finally get married with their partners now. It's a great day to rejoice I suppose. I truly believe that we are free to love anyone we want to love. Regardless of gender, race and religion.

I know the news through my social media platform - thanks to my favourite artists, bands and websites. Sam Smith tweeted about it, and everyone else changed their profile photo to a pride-flag-inspired photo. The supports are overwhelming and seeing them made me feel emotional. So much happiness and joy can be felt from the photos I saw on the net when the parliament announced it.

But of course not everyone is happy with it. Well we can't please everyone can we?

Legalising gay marriage doesn't mean that straight people have to turn gay. Neither does it mean that the number of gay people will increase. It just mean more gay people can garner and support other people. They can live a happy life till they grow old with their loved ones, just like straight couples. The world will be a happier place I suppose. No LGBT individuals shall commit suicide because they feel oppressed. The LGBT community will have an increased support from one another too.

I can never understand why people claim that being gay is a choice. Being gay is a lifestyle. If being gay is a choice, LGBR youths who committed suicide because of bullying won't have to die. They just need to make "the choice" of turning straight to avoid these bullying scenarios! Who the hell would want to be bullied right? And don't tell me that it's not natural. It's found in a lot of other species.

I once read an article saying that LGBT individuals will most probably turn into lonely and depressed individuals when they grow old. DUH. Because they are oppressed and ostracised and bullied since young! I think the article should read "people who are ostracised and bullied since young will turn into lonely and depressed individuals". Anyone will turn like that if they go through the same thing.

Oh well everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I'm fine with it. Just please please don't force your ideology on other people. If you think same sex marriage is wrong, then please get married with someone of the opposite sex. If you like the opposite sex with all your heart, continue to do so with loving kindness. Don't have to tell people who love the same sex to do what you are doing.

Imagine you're eating spaghetti for lunch and I suddenly come to your table and throw your plate off saying "You shall not eat spaghetti because it is against my principle to eat pasta for lunch". How would you feel? So yes. Don't force your ideas on other people. 

Just because everyone in a cafe is drinking coffee, doesn't mean that you can't drink tea. And even if you drink tea, does it affect the people who are drinking coffee? No.

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