Tuesday 8 September 2015

Vegan Mac and Cheese

 Not the most photogenic food. But here's a bowl of vegan mac and cheese!
No dairy, no meat, nothing! (Except for pasta and veggies)

Not sure if I have told you this but I am actually going meatless every Monday! Yup I'm a vegetarian (but also avoiding eggs and milk) every Monday. I hope it helps me to get closer to my goal of becoming a vegetarian. I'm seriously aiming to become one starting of next year. I've been starting this habit 5 weeks ago (this is my 6th) but I failed on the 2nd and 3rd week cause on the 2nd week I was out of town and I was brought to eat in a restaurant and the 3rd week I was having dengue and my mum cooked non-vegetarian food for me so... Yes. But anyway, I'm gonna share with you the food I cooked!

So last week I cooked this deconstructed guacamole on toast, drizzled with truffle oil for breakfast. Tasted really good, and is probably the fanciest breakfast I've ever cooked. I also made guacamole for dinner, and it's funny how everyone in my house freaked out when they saw me eating a bowl of mashed avocado with rice. Because here avocado is eaten in the sweet way. And no one eats avocado with rice HAHAHA. But sadly no one wanted to try my guacamole :(

Okay guacamole is normal. But this week I finally tried cooking something I've been wanted to try cooking! It's vegan mac and cheese! Okay not really interested in the "mac" part but the cheese part! Okay I've read up on the net how vegans make/eat cheese. They use raw cashew nuts that are soaked, and then blended. Mixed with lemon juice, salt, nutritional yeast, and additional ingredients of their choice (like truffle oil, olives and more). But anyway, I got this recipe from Buzzfeed video haha.

So for the cheese part, the recipe goes like this. Boil potatoes, carrot and onion wedge. Blitz them with cashew nuts (I soaked them for 1.5 hours first though). Then I added salt and nutritional yeast, mix them again and we're done! Well it looks like cheese. But definitely doesn't taste like one. But trust me, it tasted so good! Seriously. It just tasted really creamy and just so good.

Okay I did make a few mistakes like firstly, I used too much potatoes and cashew nuts. Also I used one whole onion when you're just supposed to use like half or even a quarter. And I couldn't blend the ingredients because I didn't add enough water. Although eventually my sister told me to. So lesson learned: Follow the measurements in the recipe. Agaration is bad for health.

I am seriously interested to try on more recipes. I've learned how to make vegan cheese and now I can make more stuff! Like vegan cheese burger mwahaha. Anyway going meatless every Monday have helped me to embrace the vegetarian lifestyle more and more. I hope I can achieve my goal next year. Also, did I tell you that my colon is feeling super awesome every Monday? :P

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