Sunday 17 July 2016

Twenty Four

 Cheese Roll cake from Pizza Hut from my sister haha

Today I turned 24, another year older and hopefully another year wiser! And today is just another ordinary Sunday. There is delivery to settle, and things to do. Nothing special happened. Except for my grandma and aunt who kindly bought me a delicious fruit and coconut cake, my sister who made me a "cake" out of Pizza Hut's cheese rolls haha and for buying me and my aunt (we share the same birth date) a cake for a mini celebration with my mum, brother and his wife, cousins and aunt.

I'm always and so ever thankful to my family for making this day a special one! <3

Like I said last year, as I grow older, I don't really find any significance in birthdays anymore. I take birthdays as a checkpoint in life. You know, like when you're running a race, there are distance markers as we go along right? Same as that, birthdays are distance markers in this journey of life. A checkpoint in which we think about the things we've achieved, the things we can still improve on in our lives, and last but not least, our dreams, goals and hopes. A day of contemplation of where we are in life.

It feels quite awesome to think that I have spent 24 years on earth. In this weird and beautiful place we call life. So what have I done in the past 24 years? Not much maybe. I still have a long way to go and I'm quite excited to see what life has in store for me. You know it's kinda funny how in some days, I feel so eager and excited about what's ahead of me. And there are days where I wish I can skip whatever that is coming and just jump straight to my retirement haha. Nah, I can't do any of this.

I don't really like to think of my achievements because I believe the road is still a long stretch ahead of me. So yes, I'm proud of where I am now but hmm, I believe I can do greater things in life for this world. I think it's true that the older we grow the less we think about ourselves? Because like I once said growing up means being responsible for yourself and others. So we naturally will think of the others.

And of course I definitely feel that I've changed across my life. Change is the only constant and impermanence is what keeps me going. I just hope that I always change for the better and not the worst heh. Perhaps I've become more hopeful, more patient and I have decided to become more mindful! I think mindfulness if the key to happiness mwahaha. And meditation is my vehicle.

I've also become a vegetarian now. So it took me 23 years to stop eating meat heh. And tomorrow will mark the 200th consecutive days without meat so far. And I will definitely make it to like another 20.000 more days. That will be when I'm 75. That's if I ever make it to this number heh. Perhaps I will, perhaps we won't. Who knows the world will end in 1-74 more years to come. *shrugs*

So yeah, I've made a lot of changes and I think the list will go endless. Sometimes I feel that I won't even realise some of these changes. Maybe other people will. But it doesn't matter much since we're all a vehicle of change. In this constantly changing world, this constantly changing life.

You know what I actually feel like making a post dedicated to the things I've learned in the past 24 years or something like that. Like a thoughtcatalog wannabe. "24 things I've learned after turning 24" Hahaha. Okay maybe not 24, but a handful of them. That's an idea, I might do it!

Alright I'm gonna stop here. Once again I wanna say thank you to my family for their wishes and the mini celebration we had. To all my friends who wished me through WhatsApp, FB Messenger and SMSes. And my parents for giving birth to me, and bringing me up until this beautiful day. Here's to a greater 24 than 23, and an incredible journey ahead of me. Cheers everyone! Happy Birthday to Me.

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