Sunday 31 July 2016

Dry Season?

It's the last day of July now, so supposedly, we have one more month before the dry season is over. And guess what, it hasn't stopped raining since November! Man the weather has been so weird. And we still have people denying that global warming exists. Well to be honest I would rather have this than last year's 6 months of no rain. That was pretty nasty and kind of stressful hah.

Anyway I can't believe that July has come to an end now! Well after all, we have 10 days of holiday in this month and perhaps time seems to fly much quicker? 5 more months to the end of 2016. Man, time where did you go to. Once again every new year seems to be a year where time seems to flow faster than the previous. Even though every year we go through the same number of days (except for this year, since it's a leap year). But yes, you get what I mean. Perhaps it's true, time is a spiral.

AKA it goes faster and faster as it continues spinning. 

I've decided to change my blog's cover photo last week! Do you like it? I've been using the same cover photo for almost two years now. The previous one was taken in Stykkisholmur in Iceland. This one is takenin Gyantse, Tibet! A random stretch of prayer flags in the old town. I was having a difficult time choosing the new cover photos. But this one seems to fit well. Since it's clouds of Sunday.

This September will mark the 8th year that I'm blogging. Whew. Can't believe how fast time is flying really. I still hope that I can continue blogging forever. Till I die hahaha. Probably not gonna happen. But even if I blog only once a month in the future. I will still do it. I don't know why. I enjoy blogging.

Alright since it's the last day of July, time for more music discoveries!

Great Music of July
- Nothing's Real by Shura

Okay this is quite sad but yes I didn't discover much great music in this month but hey hey hey Shura released her debut album this month! I love the album so much. It's so great and it's been on my playlist ever since it's released. I feel so happy for her album release! Every song from the album is great but my favourite will definitely by Make It Up, Kidz and Stuff and What's It Gonna Be!

Well I did find some nice music on YouTube here and there but haven't been listening to them fully haha. I also did discover a lot of great Indonesian Oldies, thanks to my dad who asked me to look for them. Falling in love with Chrisye songs all over again. Indonesian oldies are awesome.

Alright that's all for now. It's been a wonderful but filled with trials and tribulations first half of 2016. Here's to a better, greater and beautiful other half! I hope you're having a wonderful 2016 so far, lets make the other half a greater one! See ya :)

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