Monday 24 April 2017

Enjoying Music?

Okay I don't usually rant in my blog... But I've been wanting to talk about this. Although it's been almost a month since Coldplay Singapore, there was something that I experienced in the concert that kinda bugged me heh. It may be a trivial matter but it kept me wondering up till today.

Firstly don't get me wrong, the concert is amazing. I love the audience, I love the energy and I love the vibe. To be in the middle of a stadium full of people singing and dancing to Coldplay, especially with Xylobands, is such an incredible experience. What I kinda didn't like is... The people around me. As I noticed them, throughout the concert. Not sure how to feel about this.

In the concert, I was seated on the last seat of the row. Beside me is this husband and wife couple and in front of me was another solo-concert goer who's a guy. I feel kinda sad for the couple because it was rather clear that it was the wife who "wanted" to go for the concert. Cause the husband was on his phone playing games/chatting on Whatsapp most of the time, while his wife was happily dancing and singing to Paradise and Fix You and so on. Sometimes she would call him and they would hug and move to the music in a romantic embrace. And after that he went back to his phone.

Ladies/gentlemen, take a note, if your other half doesn't listen to your kind of music, don't force them to accompany you to concerts of your favourite bands. Haha.

The guy in front of me (who's an Indonesian) was okay, I thought he was a huge fan of Coldplay cause he was wearing the Europe tour shirt. In my mind I thought he was so dedicated to go to Europe to catch Coldplay last year. But err I was a bit puzzled how he didn't seem to "move" much to the music right from the beginning. But he did something very often: take lots of selfies/photos of his xyloband.

And I noticed that he only started "dancing" during two songs: Hymm For The Weekend and Adventure of A Lifetime. For the rest of the concert, he was either taking photos, sitting down, or upload his selfies to (I think) Snapchat. He even left the concert during Amazing Day. I wondered... Don't tell me he only knows two of these Coldplay songs. Or maybe he only enjoy these two songs.

I have nothing against selfies and uploading to your social media etc. But wow, does he actually enjoy the concert? Do you actually enjoy a $267 ticket concert by doing so?

Contrary to these two people, there were two Indonesian ladies about two rows down from my seat who are definitely hardcore Coldplay fans because the two of them were dancing and singing to their songs, and cried and hugged each other during Fix You hahahaha. During the concert I was seriously hoping to change my seat to beside them. I think I'll enjoy the concert more.

Yes I was feeling rather mehh seeing these scenes beside me during the concert. But then again I personally believe that there is no rule to enjoying music. There's no certain behaviour codes that one has to follow to "enjoy music". But I was just wondering... Has times changed? 

Okay well maybe for me, I take "enjoying music" too seriously. For me when I go to a concert I'll go and watch my favourite band perform and sing. Yes I take photos but not all the time. And to me I don't use social media during the concert. I want to be there. Not in my social media heh.

But then again, Coldplay was the first large-scale concert that I ever been to. The other gigs that I went to are pretty much smaller compared to them. Sigur Ros, Chvrches, EOTS, WSATCC, Shura, and so on. To be frank, at the other gigs that I went to, no one around me was on their phone (except for taking photos of course). We are all too busy losing ourselves to the music.

Well these are just my thoughts. Maybe I'm being a sour-grape regarding this issue, and that I take music "too seriously". I'm just feeling sad because I don't think this is how we should enjoy a concert. Has the world changed, that showing the world we're in a concert is more important than being in the concert itself? Do you go to a concert for bragging rights, or do you go because you love the band/artist and their music, which they worked so hard to produce and perform to?

Just my two-cents.

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