Thursday 9 June 2011


Sorry for the title, couldn't think of any other better title, and since there's some crickets around my room now, which are quite loud, I'll give today's title... Cricket! Alright yes I know I'm lame, whatever. Nothing beats the joy of doing something random and its sublimal simplicity of being... Simply random. Oh my, I'm stressed.

Anyway today was alright I guess. My dad had vertigo last night :O Vertigo is basically like this super major wow headache which can severely impact you. Like you can't even walk, cause you feel your head is spinning. My dad had that, so he spent the whole evening at home. And I had to standby just in case he needed anything. But thankfully he's feeling alright now :)

So today was okay, I spent the day out looking for shoes. My cousin is getting married on Sunday! :) So I had to look for a pair of nice shoe, cause I don't have it, apparently. Anyway I have a nice pair now :) And oh have I told you that I'm going to sing there as well! My aunt asked me to sing a song heh, just to fill the event and I'm happy to do so :)

And then in the evening I went around with my sisters and her bf to send food to my grandma and aunt hoho. And I met my cousin after such a long time (the one getting married soon). His face hasn't changed I guess haha! Just that he's taller, that's definitely. And then I went to my aunt's house to have a chat with my cousin as well :)

Right I guess that's all for the day? Pretty short post uh... Let me post something else.

This is one of my favourite Mongolian songs! Yup, as I've told you I'm falling in love with Mongolian songs, so this is one of them. I posted a comment on Youtube about this song, and a nice Mongolian user replied my saying this song is about Mongolia and the traditional musical instrument called the horse head fiddle or Moorin Khoor (correct spelling?)

Have a go at this! :D

I really love this song... I don't know why. The melody, the chords, and I wish, the lyrics, are beautiful! I wanna know the exact translation about this song. But google translate has no Mongolian script so they can't translate this. But anyway, I'm thankful to have come across this song, purely ACCIDENTALLY on Youtube heh. Like it was on the suggestion box and I clicked it. Oh and I looooove the sceneries in the video as well. Just made me can't wait for my Inner Mongolia OCIP :P

Amazing what internet can do for us :)

I really feel that Mongolian songs should hit global, cause I think their songs are nice. But oh well, that's to my ear. I'm not sure about others. There are more songs, I shall post them here one by one hehe. Alright, time to do epistasis! Rawrr I wanna do them by tonight! Ciao!

Emptiness of the empty mind
86 more days to Inner Mongolia OCIP!


Anonymous said...

How many minutes and seconds more? LOL! SO EXCITED!

Adhi said...

Lol! Count yourself heh :P But the song nice right!! :D