Thursday 23 October 2014

Definition of Music


So I was talking with my mum about music and some of the bands that I like to listen to, when she asked me a question that left me stunned. She asked me "So what actually is Indie music?". I went quiet for a few a seconds as my mind rushed to find and formulate an answer. So I told her Indie music is music that... And yeah I still couldn't give her an answer! I did tell her though it's music that don't have to make sense but sound good hah. Or songs with deep meanings.

Feeling curious, I researched on Wiki and what I got is that Indie music is is a shortened form of "Independent Music" (This is such an epiphany for me). And it's music produced independently from major music labels. Indie music artists don't fall solely into one genre of music, but they can fall into different genres too. All of these make perfect sense about Indie music!

I've been listening to Indie music for years and it is only now that I discover its definition. But hey, I think that music is a language without a dictionary! To me anything that sounds good to my ears is good music. Any music, pop, rock, folk, instrumental, electronic, you name it. It is only recently that I discovered so much more genres than these. Like for example there's Indie rock, folk hop, acid trap, and what what what. So much "genres" and I don't even know what's my favourite genre.

And do we even have to like just one genre? And must music be segregated into genres? Well maybe they are segregated to make it easier for people to find more music that suit their palate. It's like you know being in a buffet restaurant. You'll see the food and take any that you like, and just leave the ones you don't like. I suppose genres make it easier for you to discover more music, and to also find like-minded people who share the same taste in music as you!

But I don't really like the idea of segregating music. I think music is so universal that it cannot be segregated. Of course, we all know that we're free to listen to whatever music we want to listen to. Like what the Buddha says, people create differences and believe them to be true. So sometimes when people ask me what kind of music I listen to, I just tell them anything that I love. Although yes the majority of my songs in my iTunes library is either Indie or Alternatives.

And yes I cannot live without classical music.

So what kind of music do you listen to?

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