Thursday 2 October 2014

Living together

I realised one of the biggest differences I have now, from my life back in Singapore, is the fact that I am living with other people. I mean obviously, I have my family around me. Whereas in Singapore I am alone, and I am responsible for the things I do. And I have to take care of myself, which includes not falling sick, make sure I fed myself well and so on.

For example, when I got back here I often wondered why the hand soap ran out quickly. Or the bath soap and the toothpaste. Well it's because now the soap is shared with like 5 people in the house, or three people for the bath soap (because I shared the bathroom with 2 of my sisters last time). Whereas in Singapore, my soaps can last for like three months. Because I was the only person who used them.

And when it comes to food, I just need to keep myself fed. I cook for myself and buy food for myself. I can cook a huge casserole of pasta and eat them for three days in a row. I can buy a packet of fried rice, and if I don't finish it I will just put it inside the fridge for tomorrow's breakfast/lunch/dinner. But now I don't get my own food (unless it's vegan days, where I cook myself) but the food is cooked by my maid or my mum. And I'm the family's black hole for food, so remaining food will go into my stomach. 

That's why I can never lose weight here heh.

I suppose living alone really make you into a responsible and independent person. And perhaps it's easier too? Because you're in full control of yourself. You get to eat what you want, how much you want, and do whatever you want with any leftovers. You have the ultimate freedom to do what you want, without others' consent and without thinking others will think of you.

Nothing is perfect, living alone has its flaws too.

But I miss it sometimes.

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