Saturday 17 January 2015

Memory Lane

Today I passed by my primary school here again. And realised that it's been 13 years since I left it before I went over to Singapore and study. So many things have changed, but the building remains kind of the same over the years. I went over to the bakso seller opposite of the school. Same old man who's selling it, but now his son took over the business and he already went home when I was there just now.

Being at this place again reminds me a lot about the past. The good old days played in my head like a video player. The things that happened, the things that I went through while I was still a student there, all play in my head. I could still remember those days "jajan-ing" (buying snacks) outside of the school. And how ironically at the same time my teacher was telling us not to buy food from these sellers due to hygiene concerns. But we never care anyway. If it's good, we'll eat it.

There are days when I question, what if, I didn't go to Singapore to study. Will I be a happier person? Well I do know I'll have more friends here I suppose? My friends here are now either in or out of town working. I haven't met them for 2 years already (the last time we had a gathering was in 2012). And some of them thought I have forgotten how to speak Indonesian. No no no, I can speak Indon fine. I just blog and write my FB/Twitter/Instagram posts in English. Cause well, most of my friends in these social media platforms can't speak Indonesian hah.

Sometimes I miss my primary school days a lot. It's the days where I still have no idea what life is. I'm just living my life day by day. Doing things I love and try to avoid doing things I hate. Which is practically how we should all live our lives. Yet weirdly enough, we are not doing it when we grow up

We can't wait to grow up when we're kids. But long to return to these days we miss a lot when we grow up. Oh the irony we are living in.

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