Friday 10 April 2015


Right I just finished helping transcribing the Chinese book! Whew, done with proof-reading and so on, and thankfully there isn't much to be edited. Except for one part where somehow, this part of the document, has a different font from the rest (for the Chinese characters). I freaked out, and I got to change them. But nevertheless it's all done now and all good. I can go back to my daily "routine" now, and no longer have to spend the nights transcribing the document :P

Which makes me wonder... Well I have to admit that the past week felt pretty quick! Perhaps it's because of this routine. I have something to keep me busy every night and so time seems to fly more quickly. But anyho, I'll be busy for the next coming nights too cause... I gotta update this blog! Well I hate to do this but I'm going to do a bunch of late-posts because well, a lot of things happened while I was doing the transcribing so yep, I'll update the past events in the next few days.

Okay first thing first, it's day 100 of the year now! Can you believe it. I don't think the first 100 days went this quick last year. Oh well, maybe we're just growing old and growing busier. 

And well I haven't talked about this, but now let me tell you my project for this year:

Yup I have actually been drawing for the past 100 days....! Not.

Okay here's the story. I bought this book at Typo while I was in Singapore last year for Chvrches and I told myself... Hey this is going to be an interesting project I can do for the new year! Like I said in my last post about resolutions, I actually don't have anything in mind for 2015 back then. Well except for the fact that I'm not going to continue Project365 2014 into this year. 

So when I saw this book, I thought to myself: If I can take photos for 365 days in a row, I'm pretty sure I can draw something for 365 days right? Hah. Now I'm laughing at myself.

I was very excited in first few days of the year, or even weeks, to come up with different drawings and doodles in this book. Until about day 20-ish when I got mind-blocked a lot. So I decided to change the game in which I change the "draw something" to "create something". I decided to let loose, and instead of simply drawing, I get to write poems, lyrics, and so on and forth.

So far everything has been going fine. I do keep some photos of my work. But first of all please do know that I can't draw for nuts. Seriously, period. I can't draw, and my first few drawings and doodles were pretty horrible. Well of course, by the end of this project, I hope I can get better in drawing. And I know I will. Some days are very inspiring to me, and my hand seems to be able to draw whatever is in my mind. Some days are very horribly uninspiring and I ended up writing what's inside my head. Or just things that seem to sum up the day for me. Which is pretty... Un-artsy like.

But I suppose it's better than just leaving empty pages right? Like now, I can just flip to any page to come into a page of "inspiration" or "motivation". Most of the doodles I do are from song lyrics, so they're sometimes relatable to my feelings. And yup, so I've decided to basically just create anything everyday. Be it drawings, doodles, poems and so on. And I've been enjoying this so far.

Why am I doing this project you might ask? Similar to Project365 last year, I just want to keep my creative juice flowing. Because well, what I'm doing everyday is not art-related. And I want art to be part of my life. And this is a good way to keep it inside my life. I pretty much enjoy anything that has something to do with photography, writing and music. I can't draw for nuts, but well I suppose, if I paint with light in photography, it's time for me to paint with my pen on these empty pages.

Oh and PS: Yes I draw with my pen. So if I make a mistake, I'll have to find a way to salvage it.

Alright, that's all for now, for this project update. I can't wait to see my book filled with many drawings and doodles and poems and lyrics and so on! I shall call this project: Create365!

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