Thursday 5 November 2015


Have you ever had this feeling of being disconnected? Symptoms include not knowing what day is today, what's today's date, and forgetting the things you need to do today, tomorrow, next week and so on. It's like being disconnected with our lives, with the present moment. And it feels unpleasant.

Some of the causes include having too many things going on in your life, or having something bothering your mind. It's kind of like our mind and our emotions are being pre-occupied with something else. Our body is here, but our mind is somewhere else. Or it feels like something (or someone) keeps on visiting our mind, that we're so busy attending to them and we kind of forget where we are?

That's how I'm feeling this week. Perhaps there were indeed a lot of things that happened in the first few days of November, and the last days of October. So many things, that it feels rather overwhelming. 

I suppose I'll just need to take a breather, and come back to the present moment.

November's gonna be an exciting month!

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