Monday 14 March 2016


The weather has been pretty crazy here. It's been raining everyday, and it rains so hard. Like really really hard haha. The outside of my room will be filled with water after the rain and this happens everyday. I need to cover the top with something. It's so weird because in Riau, dry spells are coming over and some people are trying to clear their lands by burning again -.- can we switch weather? So that Riau will be poured with rain and there won't be haze. I miss some sunshine too anyway.

I'm not quite sure why I didn't blog in the past weekend. Well it's been rainy so I spent most part of my Saturday reading a book haha. And also I actually had insomnia on Friday night. Like I actually fell asleep at 10 AM on Saturday! Even though I went to bed at 5.30 AM ish. Not sure why but I kept on waking up continuously till 8:45 AM. And then my eyes were wide opened from then on till 10 AM. Even though I fell asleep, I kept on waking up till 11:30 and then woke up again at 2.

I have no idea why. 

Anyho, I'm going to give myself a challenge to actually blog 10 times a month! From March onwards haha. Currently this is post number 4 of the month so I have 6 more to go. Actually the ideas for blogging kinda works. I'm actually "preparing" the posts to be written! I just need to find the time to blog it haha. Come to think of it I think it's very possible to blog 10 posts a month! It's whether I wanna do it or not :P I'm just really trying to keep this blog alive and well.

You know blogging is one of the things that I do (kind of) daily or at least weekly here that I've been doing ever since I went back home for good. My habits kinda changed. For example I rarely watch TV here. Or maybe in fact I never watch TV. The only time I watch TV is when either my parents/sister/maid are watching TV and I join them in. My dad would watch the news/documentaries while my mum sometimes watch movies. And I would join them.

My only source of "entertainment" is my laptop - the wonderful world of internet haha. YouTube, different articles, stories etc. And of course, blogging! Well it's also because I've been blogging for almost 8 years and it's definitely something I enjoy doing. And I'll always blog, until I can't blog anymore! So to keep up with this promise, I am trying to keep this blog kicking and alive :)

Actually these days I've been finding ways to stay "off-grid". Reading books, writing, and I also bought that colouring book which I haven't tried heh. I will do it once I bought some colour pencils. Sometimes I regard blogging as an off-grid thing too. Since I'm just writing, just that I'm doing it electronically. I'm trying to stay away from Facebook and YouTube. But well, I have to many awesome channels that I follow. And I always look forward to watching their new videos everyday.

YouTubers such as Casey Neistat, Fun for Louis, Buzzfeed (oops) and many many more. I've also been following lots of vegan YouTubers for inspiration and recipes haha. Most of my subscriptions revolve around music, travel, recipes, documentaries, science-y stuff and other random things. YouTube is a wonderful place. Just that sometimes the comment section can make me vomit blood.

Alright, lets see if I can hit 10 posts in this month! I think I can, more posts coming!

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