Saturday 19 March 2016

What Do You See?

Hello! Alright to kick-off this month's new blog series (acts like a professional blogger/YouTuber) of Q&A, I'm going to start with a question by Syaz! Here it is:

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

Hmm I honestly don't know the answer to this question. Because I think 5 years is a bit too long of a duration haha. I feel that so many things can happen within a year, can you imagine how many things can happen within five? But yes, I do have my own hope and aspirations that I wish to achieve in the next five years so I hope it counts. I suppose I'll just share with you my goals/dreams? :)

Okay to begin with, in the next 5 years I will be 29 (OMG). I can't imagine what life is going to be. Twenty nine! Hahaha. Well I hope to expand the flower business, and I hope that in 5 years we can venture to not only flowers but other plants as well. I am really really interested in venturing into chilies. And other vegetables! My biggest dream is to really help other farmers. I hope to contribute in making Indonesia a great agricultural country again. Where we don't need to import onions and chilies.

And I want to feed people. I want them to be able to sustain themselves and their families. Reading from articles about how we can actually run out of food by 2050 (or something like that) kinda terrifies me. So yes, I really hope to venture into the agriculture industry, and feed people. I don't think "farmers" is a bad or low-class job. They are the people who feed the nation, we should support them!

Talking about feeding people, I also have a dream of opening up my own cafe/restaurant/canteen here. A vegetarian one! I want to share my knowledge and spread compassion to other people by educating them about vegetarianism? Cause a lot of people here get all their ideas kinda mixed up about being a vegetarian. And so I hope to share with them the benefits they can get by going vegetarian. But of course, by all means, I'm not trying to turn everyone to be a vegetarian heh.

So yep these are my hopes and dreams. There are other plans of course but I think it'll take too long to tell you about them haha. But about the cafe part, I hope to achieve it by next year actually. Most important key point is that I hope to help my parents as much as I can, but at the same time I also hope to fulfill my dreams as life goes on forward. Oh well, we'll see how it goes alright.

I hope this answers your question Syaz! 

Alrighty, till the next Q&A session again. Not sure what label I need to tag this post as... Q&A? I was thinking of like project Q (for questions) or something like that. As of now, I'll leave it as Q&A!

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