Saturday 20 August 2016

World Photo Day

 Photos from Tibet

So yesterday was World Photo Day (WPD). Thanks Facebook for the notification! I didn't know such a day exists haha. Many photographers and Instagram users are sharing photos and posts about what WPD means to them. They share about the importance of photography, the power of a photograph, and also their wishes for other photographers around the world and for the future of photography.

Well I'm not a photographer but I still enjoy photography. Although I don't take my girlfriend (AKA my camera) for dates as much as I used to, I still take photographs using my iPhone haha. Well it's more convenient I guess. Imagine me lugging my girlfriend to the office everyday. I've always enjoyed photography. Because I love the idea about freezing moments you can never return to.

I'm a very sentimental person. So photography helps me a lot to treasure and save these moments. I wish I could start early back when I was in secondary one. I was only beginning to get interested in photography while in secondary 4-ish. It was when I got my Nokia N82. My phone opened up the world of photography to me. I even documented my trip to Sweden using it! I still have the photos.

Anyway I just finished putting my Tibet photos that I've printed inside the album. Err I actually printed them way back in July haha. But I always kept on forgetting to put them inside the album. Looking at the photos made me feel really good and sentimental inside. All the good and sweet memories of the trip were playing inside my head like a movie reel. Every photograph remind me of a story, or a moment that I experienced while there. Which brings me to my aspiration for WPD...

I think we should all keep up with the tradition of printing our photos! We live in a digital world today, where we take photos in our phones or digital cameras, and then just leave them inside our computer. Well I've been printing my travel photos so far all the way from 2011. And there's really a sense of sentimentalism whenever I take a look at the albums again. It feels so cool.

Like I've always believe, your photos look better on prints, than on screens! :P

I often wonder how I will feel when I look at the photos again ten years later.

Oh well, here's wishing you a happy World Photo Day! Keep shooting and keep showing the world how your world looks like from your lens! :)

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