Friday 10 March 2017


Today was a day that I used to fear in the past. It is the day where sold my camera lenses! Okay well I did talk about this last month I think and they're finally sold. It was a plan but well, back seven years ago, I never thought of selling my lenses away. After all I bought all of them with the money I saved. It was bittersweet but I wanna do it. I still have two lenses though, and my A57 body so yeah.

I sold my 50mm F1.8, 28mm F2.8 and Tamron 18-200 lenses. Okay the Tamron one is such in a bad shape (I bought it second so yeah) so it didn't fetch a good price. In fact none of the lenses fetched a good price. After all they are all 7 years old and not many people use the Sony Alpha system in Indonesia. So the shop didn't want to get good price for them. I'm find with it, I understand.

I still have my A57 body, 16-50 F2.8 and my kit lens. The 1650 is my favourite lens because it is really good hah. Also by far the most expensive lens I bought. But I am actually considering to sell them away too. My kit lens, everything. And get a new camera mwahaha. But I really love my camera and I have such a huge emotional bond with it. Cause well, she's my girlfriend hahaha.

Okay so back to the first point, yes I used to think that I will never sell my lenses away. I thought I'll do photography often for a long time, even in the future. But well life is life and it didn't turn out that way. I didn't use my lenses most of the time, they are stored in my lens box. And in line with my minimalism resolution, I decided to sell them away. I don't feel bad at all, I thought it was funny because last time, I had such thoughts of never selling my lenses away. And keeping them forever.

There is a bit of guilt of course, I wish I wouldn't buy so many lenses (50mm F1.8 is a good lens though). I was too lured and too ambitious to get them. I think if I know better I would just stick with a 16-50 all the way. But then again 1650 was a new lens back then and it wasn't released when I first got my camera. So yeah, I suppose things are meant to be this way mmhmm. No biggies!

Although I don't take photos as often as I used to when I was in Singapore, I will still take photos whenever possible, when given the chance. Right now my iPhone is the camera that I use daily. And obviously it has many limitations compared to my DSLR. I really love photography even though it is not something that I do for a living or even do on a daily basis. And I will never stop pursuing this hobby of mine. Even if I can only go for a shoot once a month or longer than that.

Right now I don't think that I should own a DSLR with that many lenses. So that's why I was thinking of selling my DSLR and getting a new camera. Just one camera with one lens. I am looking at the Sony A6000 or actually Fujifilm. Sony is kinda expensive for my budget though so yeah. I'm even thinking of getting the Nikon J1 or Canon EOS M. The price of the J1 is kinda low now.

Now I simply bring my camera when I'm traveling or when I'm out of town. Apart from that, I would just store it in my cupboard inside an air tight box (yes I'm budget). So I don't wanna spend a lot on the camera. Something that would allow me to shoot conveniently is good. I would prefer an interchangeable lens camera cause then I might be able to upgrade a lens or something. Also Point and shoots have their limitations too. Except maybe for the Sony RX100 V hahaha.

Alright that's all for now. One goal of my minimalism resolution done! More to come.

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