Sunday 5 March 2017

Work work work work work

Tonight has been a rather intense night. I did 2.5 hours of non-stop work but well at the end of the day, I managed to finish all of them. Weirdly enough, tonight really reminds me of my Sunday nights in Singapore especially back in 2012, during the internship period heh. Cause I love pushing away work on Friday and Saturday nights, and do everything on Sunday nights, with Sunday blues.

I could still remember the Sunday nights of 2012. Morning will be spent at the temple, afternoon doing grocery shopping and lunch, evening on my weekly runs, and night, doing work after dinner. I'll sit in front of my laptop feeling both eager to do work and dreading the upcoming week. It's really one of those nights where I feel conflicted hah. I always look forward to the next weekend.

Things are pretty much the same nowadays. I am always very busy on Sunday because I have delivery to settle and also work to do in the evening. I changed my habit since end of last year. I usually pile up my work until Wednesday and dedicate it to finish everything. Sometimes I push it again and again to another day. But last year this plan backfired because sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can ruin my plan (and even week!). So I learned that I should just do work whenever possible.

If I have time to do work, I will do it. That's my motto now haha.

I used to think that I should live my life without plans and schedules. Like sort of a hippy, living life freely. Taking whatever comes at me. But hmm well if you're handling lots of stuff at the same time you'll realise that you can't do this at all. So I try to plan my time well. Even if I don't have a regimental plan, at least I try to accomplish as much task that I can do on the next few hours/on this day.

Not sure if I can label myself as a procrastinator. But it's a bad habit of mine that I used to have, thinking I have time to do things on another time. Well most of the time I do really have time. But I think life is all about utilising as much time as you have to do the things you need to do. I remember back in 2014/2015 I like to do this because I thought it's better to just do my work in one shot. Hmm nope.

I've learned my lesson well, especially how sometimes, doing lots of work in one night backfired with unforeseen additional work haha. It can really ruin an entire week sometimes.

Nevertheless tonight really reminds me of my Sunday nights in Singapore. I kind of miss them because life was much care-free back then. I have more responsibilities to hold now. But that's life right. Alright I hope you've had a great weekend. Here's to a great second week of March ahead of us!

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