Monday 24 July 2017


 Thanks Saeyeoh for your kind words!
Agfa Vista 400

So on Friday afternoon when I woke up, I saw Saeyeoh's message on my phone and she asked me to read an article she sent on my WhatsApp (you can read it here). I read it and wow I've never felt so touched and hmm not sure how to put it into words. Grateful? Inspired? I'm just very touched after reading the article, when she said that I inspired her to take photography seriously.

To me, I feel that the biggest compliment someone can give to me is that I have inspired them to do something, or that I'm an inspiration to them. Because to me, an inspiration is something that appears out of emptiness/nothingness. Like when a music inspired me to feel in such a away or so. So to have Saeyeoh say that I inspired her, I felt really wow. Especially when I'm not even a good photographer, or even a photographer HAHAHA. So thank you Saeyeoh, I'm super touched!

And same to you Saeyeoh, you've inspired me to pick up film again! After not touching it for almost 4 years. I only went back to film on my Tibet Trip, and I decided to go back again after seeing her photos haha. Now I have two new film cameras thanks to you! :P So yup keep the film spirit going and I'm pretty sure you have inspired many people to try film too. And also keep up the awesome work on your blog! In a world where film is dying (and reviving), I think you have sparked a flame that keeps it alive.

I'm glad to have known you all these seven years, and to have someone who still keeps in contact with me all these while! Come to think of it I think we both kinda started out photography journey around the same time. So yep we can say we are photography buddies mwahaha.

I think no one has ever said that I inspired them to do something. I do remember though on my birthday, Mr Tan, my school's discipline master and my teacher in charge of the student council once told me that my positive outlook on life is very inspiring. Again I went blank after he told that to me, like wow I've never had anyone told me that before! Haha. Well I'm just someone who's really try to see the positive side of things in life. Cause I think that's a great way to make you happy.

I remember reading an article about how difficult it is to give an inspiration to someone. Be it through your words, your music, your work of art and so on. It's easy to create something. But for this something to be inspirational, and to give inspiration to the people who come into contact with your creation, is very difficult. Because it is really truly creating something out of emptiness. Which is so hard! I think making your creation invoke feelings and emotions in others is already so difficult.

This is why good photographs tell a story and invoke emotions. And through these emotions and stories, they should create inspiration to the viewer, that will make them do something (hopefully for the better). So yup, when you become an inspiration to someone, that's a pretty huge deal isn't it.

One of my goals in life is to inspire a lot of people. And be an inspiration to others. I've met many people who have become my inspirations too. Most are ordinary people that I met in my 25 years of existence. And of course I have so many idols that I haven't met in real life. But their stories have touched my heart, and inspired me to do great things in life. And hopefully I can meet them one day.

So yeah thank you once again Saeyeoh for your kind words! You've inspired me too in your photography work, and I'm pretty sure you have inspired more people through your blog and social media (please check out Film Based Traveler!). I really hope we can meet to shoot some films one day. Looking forward to meeting your in Singapore again! Alright that's all for now. See you soon :)

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