Monday 1 January 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

Hello! First of all wishing you a Happy New Year 2018! May this year be a greater year for all of us, and may we all have a fantastic year ahead. Well hmm like I always believe, a year is only as good as we make it out to be! So let us all make this year an awesome one alright.

A pretty quiet and chill first day of the year for me today. Just went to the farm in the afternoon with my dad and it was raining like crazy in the evening! The sky is probably taking revenge after a week of sunshine and cloudiness, where it seemed like it was going to rain but didn't heh.

Also had a rather chill New Year's Eve as it fell on a Sunday. So nothing much to do. I was doing stock-checks at the shop again though. December was a great month! Best sale since the shop opened so far haha. I hope we're only going up and up in the new year mwahaha.

It's 2018 now, can't believe it! Although to be honest I don't feel much of a difference now haha. Like seriously there's no "New Year" feeling now. Not sure if it's because I've been getting busier so today just felt like any other holiday. And tomorrow we get back to work, regardless whether it's a new year or not HAHAHA. Okay yes I did acknowledge that this is the new year, it'll be crazy if I don't.

But what I feel is that... I think we're just walking on a void. Time keeps on going and years are just like some sort of checkpoints we all encounter? So as we pass from one year to the next, I realise we're all just walking into it. There's not much things to realise that we're in a "new" year. But of course, globally, a new year brings a lot of changes. Policy changes, elections, this and that. So there will always be new things in every year. And there is a significant effect for us.

Well what can I say, I think new year or not, we should all live our lives to the fullest every single day! We write continuously on empty pages and it's up to us if we want to make great ones that will be compiled into a great book, or we just want to write bad stories. 

I entered 2017 without a resolution, and made them slowly as I progress towards the year. Similarly, I don't have a resolution yet for this new year. I do have some in mind, and I'll talk about them soon.

Alright that's all for me on this first post of the year! I hope 2017 was treating you well. Once again wishing you a happy new year, and may 2018 be a greater year for all of us! Spread love and kindness to people you meet, be grateful for everything, and live our life to the fullest while we still can.

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