Thursday 27 September 2018

1000 Meatless Days

I just realised that yesterday was my 1000th day of going vegetarian! Sounds crazy, it's been almost 3 years. But I think going vegetarian is one of the best decisions I have made in life. Although still to be honest, I don't feel any difference actually haha. Physically that is. Maybe everything will be proven in my blood. But that's the point I want to make - that we can all lead a normal healthy life without meat!

Yes I do understand that I'm not a vegan yet. And I am still causing suffering to innocent animals. But I am currently transitioning weee. I have skipped dairy for almost a month now? Okay err I actually did have some relapse especially during my grandma's funeral. Ate some bread which I'm sure have milk in it heh. I'm trying my best! I am actually planning to go vegan next year weee.

I am actually quite proud of myself of going this far. As someone who could devour one whole chicken by myself (the rotisserie chicken at Cold Storage), who loved eating steak and charsiew, who loved innards and loved foie gras so so much, here I am now. Revolted thinking of eating them! Heh. Also I have a confession: I used to make fun of vegetarians and vegans. I thought they are living a life that is too extreme for a human being. Especially since our time is limited here.

Like I used to have the thought of "enjoying life" before I leave this earth. And as long as I can eat animals where they are as humanely slaughtered as possible, I'm okay with it. Until I come across the thought of what's the difference between humanely slaughtering a living being, and inhumanely slaughtering them? Their life is taken away in the end anyway. So yup, that's the spark.

I am vegetarian for the animals. Like I once said, whatever I get and contribute to in the end, like good health and doing my part in saving earth, is like the good "karma" that I obtain from my choice. 

Okay it's getting pretty late now. I think I'm going to spend another night writing this! See ya :)

Eat less meat. 

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