Saturday 9 March 2019


So last Thursday was actually a holiday here. It is Nyepi, a day where the Balinese people celebrate the new Balinese year. But they don't celebrate it with a bang, like what we usually do. They celebrate it by observing a day of silence, meditation and contemplation. And damn that sounds like my kind of holiday! Haha. I seriously don't mind spending 24 hours doing those three things.

Well this is a random post but I think the world needs more "Nyepi days". I think it's good to just stay still, meditate and contemplate in silence. Once in a while. As an meditation practitioner, I've been enjoying my time sitting still in silence, observing my breath and chanting mantras. These days, I tried doing vipassana meditation and oh my goodness it's tougher than I thought! Haha.

I kinda realise that as I grow older, I become a quieter person. It's fun to stay silent and observe everything that comes "into" you. Be it the words that another person is saying, the thoughts that come to your mind and essentially, the emotions that you feel. I'm far from being fully aware, but getting there.

Anyway, wishing a happy Balinese New Year to the people of Bali.

And all in all I think the world needs more Nyepi days.

because we live in a world that never stops talking.

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