Friday 2 November 2012

The Airport

Sunset at Changi Airport

Hello. Today was a good Friday I suppose (no pun intended). I took leave once again today as I had to accompany my dad's colleague. Thankfully it's only for a day, as his flight was in the evening today. Well the day is okay I guess, we just went for lunch and I brought him to Sushi Tei to try some  Japanese food as he hasn't tried it before. And then we went to drink soy milk at Holland V there, cause he hasn't had it for a long time! Good to let him try new stuff, and food which he hasn't tried in a long time. Brings joy to him, and to me as well :)

And in the afternoon we left for the airport. And yeah that's all for the day I suppose. And today I decided to also go for MD-gift-materials shopping! Went to paper market to get them and happy with my loot hehe. And I'm so dumb, I forgot to buy glue -_- or that double-sided correction-tape-like thing. Tomorrow it is then! My plan to make the cards tomorrow failed :/

Anyway today's blog... I want to write more about, as the title says, The Airport.

I was in the taxi just now on the way to the airport. Watching the roads go by, the trees swaying gently in the wind. And the plants and flowers jerking rapidly as my taxi drove pass them quickly. The eastern sky looked promising with the blue sky, and streaks of clouds. We drove by NUS, then the CBD area, then East Coast, and then Changi of course.

I've studied here for the past ten years. And in the 10 years I've been living in the west. I have drove through this trip to the airport countless times, and I never get tired of it. To me, the airport reminds me of two things. Home, and vacations. Escapes to exotic countries, or embarkation of a journey to an unknown land, filled with anticipation and adventure.

The airport reminds me of two things:
Home, and vacations to exotic places

Home, as you all should know, I have to fly back to Indonesia. So the airport is like a gateway for me to reach my homeland, and of course ultimately my hometown. Since young, when I first started here, the airport is of course a place where I truly love. Cause I know I'm going back home. I've always loved the airport anyway. I love blogging there, writing there, and just chilling out. It's an inspiring place to do all these. It's a gateway, to forget life for a while.

And of course, the airport is also a gateway. As we all know, the airport is where the world crosses-path, if you get what I mean. It's a place that link us to the rest of the world. We board a plane and we go to another destination of our choice. Since young, once again, going to the airport tells me that I'm going else where (of course except when I'm going back to Indo/Singapore). Be it my China trip in sec school, Bali trip when I was like in P1? And Inner Mongolia trip, Korea and Kinabalu trip in Poly!

The airport
Where the world crosses-path

I've been in Changi airport for countless of times. To go back. To arrive back. To send someone off. To fetch someone. To travel somewhere. To arrive back. Yet, the airport, to me, is a place I always love and remember. The airport is a nice place of sentimentality and memories. A place of hope and foolish dreams of going somewhere my heart wishes to go. A place where my mind escapes the reality, even though for a very little while. Just a lovely place to be in.

The drive to the airport, also something I've been through countless of times. Since I live in the west, I've always taken the same route whenever I need to go to the airport. And of course the taxi ride is another thing I enjoy, not only my presence at the airport. The ride there lets me to contemplate about life. To also think of what I wanna do in my destination.

If' I'm going home, I will think of what I want to do, the things I want to eat, and of course I'm just looking forward to it. If I'm traveling else where, my mind will be running wild with excitement. I will wonder what will happen during my trip, and whatever anticipation I have about the trip itself. If I send someone off (say my sibling or a relative) I wish I can join them to go back. If I'm fetching someone... Nothing much, just fetching haha.

Wish I can pick a destination and fly off there!

So all in all, going to the airport, being at the airport, are two things I really enjoy doing.

Then comes upon my mind, when I think. I'm sure one day, the day where I'll leave this sunny island will come. Will I still enjoy the ride to the airport? What will I think? How will I feel? What will happen? What will I do, feel and what will happen as I reached the airport? I'm sure though, it'll be a bittersweet ride of my life.

As for the answers to the above, I'll leave it up to myself to answer, when the day arrives.

And well, I'm seven days away from home! Today I went to Changi, next week I'll go to Changi again hehe. And this time round I AM the one flying home. So I can't wait!

Alright here's to a great weekend ahead. I'm sure it will be great. Bon nuit! And phew, I really enjoyed writing this. Felt like it's been so long since I write a proper story or blog post about something. Alright happy reading folks!

And Changi T1's Kinetic Rain installation which is uber beautiful!
PS: Photos taken with my HTC Desire HD, edied via... INSTAGRAM (Y)

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