Thursday 20 March 2014


I kinda came up with the line above just now. How technology = tech-NO-logy? Or maybe tech-no-logic hahaha. Doesn't make sense because technology is created from many many logics that come from brilliant brilliant people. And it doesn't make sense when we say that there is no logic there. Okay what am I talking about but anyway, I am writing about this because well... I am kinda discovering the ugly sides to technology? Although I can't live without it.

Can you imagine a world without technology. I wouldn't even be blogging here. Maybe I'll be writing this in my diary instead and I can't share it with people. I can't take photos from my phone and camera, and would probably be still using film cameras. And the most despairing thing is that I can't listen to music! As freely as I am now. I can't purchase songs from iTunes and will probably be listening to songs via vinyl players. And my parents will kill me for playing at night.

Of course, technology has made our lives so much easier as compared to the past. Can you imagine a day without technology? Maybe sure we can live one day without phones but it will be so troublesome. How do we interact with people. What, using letters? Phone calls? And technology has made life more convenient and effective. For example like we can watch Youtube videos and listen to music via iTunes etc. And it's so much more convenient.

Today I woke up feeling... "Frantic". I suppose gone were the days where I would wake up feeling "Ooooh it's a brand new day! Let's bring it on baby!" And then I would walk to the bathroom, take a bath and brush my teeth etc. The first thing I do when I wake up is to check my phone. And when I look at my phone at the gazillion of notifications that I have. BBMs, messages, whatsapp, and I went to panic mode like holy crap oh my god what's going on.

And then I will slowly read them one by one. If I read messages of things that I forgot to do, or some emergency messages that made me turn to panic mode, it made the beginning of my day so restless. So it's like before the day even starts I am already feeling so reckless and lost and mehh with all of these messages. And it's just so tiring sometimes.

Sure the best solution is to not have a phone. Then how am I going to communicate with people! Hahaha. Or maybe don't get a 3G phone or something. But I need it to communicate too. It's just really something we can't run away from I suppose? I used to feel amused when some people I met don't own a phone in such a technology and phone-driven world. Now I tell myself how lucky these people are. They must be feeling so wonderfully free!

My dad doesn't have a phone, nor an email, doesn't know how to use the computer, and I think he's much happier than me hah.

And you know I heard a lot of stories about cyber crimes, fraud and hacking, and of course not to forget viruses. And how people can really really be so freaking evil and cruel when it comes to this. Like it seems that technology is a key, a catalyst for crime to happen. So it's really a confusing thing how technology, in one way help us a lot, and also destroy us.

Isn't it ironic how social media made us more anti-social? We spent so much time on the internet and lesser times interacting with real human beings. Well I mean for me is a special case because my friends are a thousand kilometres away from me. I see people in cafes hooked onto their phones instead of interacting. A family where the parents are using their iPads, and their children on their iPhones playing games or doing whatever they are doing.

How sad!

It is really a privilege to have technology. But at the same time I feel we need to moderate on how we use it, instead of using it as and whatever way we want to. Don't forget to be careful as well because like I said, technology seems like a catalyst for crime to happen.

I've been taking measures so that I won't be hooked to technology as well. Some nights I would go off-grid and spend time with my diary and music. Or do something cool like make a video or something. Edit photos and add quotes onto them kinda thing.

Ah well, technology. Love it, hate it, but do remember that we will need it. In one way or another.

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