Thursday 28 September 2017


Anhedonia - the inability to find pleasure from activities usually found enjoyable.

This word perfectly describes what I've been feeling the past couple of weeks. I just feel very very moodless at times. I thought it's just the hormones and stuff. When I feel moody, most of the time I would just go and watch funny YouTube videos, or random videos, listen to music and so on. And then I would feel better again and life seems to get back to normal. But nowadays things feel very different.

The problem is, I don't even feel like doing the things above! It's really like I just want to be moodless. I don't want to do anything. Not even like "trying to make myself feel better". 

It's like this. Sometimes when I'm moody, I just don't want to do anything. Now it feels like I've reached a level where I don't even want to not-do anything, yet at the same time I don't want to do things.... 

Yes. Get what I mean? Haha.

I just want to feel numb from these feelings. Like I want to disappear and melt away into thin air and not feel anything. Things got kinda worst on Tuesday where I just shut down my laptop, lay on my bed and just not do anything. I was staring blankly on the ceiling. No music, nothing. This went on for about 30 minutes, before I put on my headphone and then go to sleep without realising.

Well indeed there were a lot of things on my mind this week. And things are kinda settling down. I suppose I just need to take a breather. Wish I can forget life for a while. Just for a while.

Alright this is a really random post. Moving on to music tomorrow! :)

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