Friday 29 September 2017


Alright time for the great music I discovered in September! Not many but they are awesome.

Great Music of September:
- Persephone by Yumi Zouma
- Depths (Part 1) by Yumi Zouma
- The Greatest by Raleigh Ritchie
- Keep It Simple by Raleigh Ritchie
- Split Stones by Maggie Rogers
- Spiraling by Mesita
- Somewhere Else by Mesita 

Song of The Month: The Greatest by Raleigh Ritchie

Alright. So Yumi Zouma announced last month that they'll be releasing a new album Willowbank on the 6th of October next month! They released 4 singles so far and I love every song. They are so so good. Today they announced that we can stream the album on Hype M and I just gave it a listen and oh my goodness is such an sweet sweet album. I can't wait for my vinyl to arrive soon! :D

I discovered Mesita a few months ago from Majestic Casual, through his song Compliments. I followed him on Facebook and YouTube, but didn't really give his music a proper listen. I decided to pop by his YouTube channel where he has videos of him recording himself live, while playing every instrument! I think he's really talented. I went to buy a few of his music on Bandcamp and I'm falling in love with his music now. I think he has a great road ahead of him and I'm excited for it.

Maggie Rogers released a new song called Split Stones which she described as sort of a parting song of her "previous chapter" in music, as she enters a new one! Well she's a great artist that I discovered this year and I'm very excited for her "new chapter". She's such a cool person and a great song writer.

Last but not least it's Raleigh Ritchie, who is Jacob Anderson.... Who plays Grey Worm in Game of Thrones! So I did read an article last year about him that says he's actually a singer. I didn't know he actually has an album out. And so one day last month, I was on YouTube when his video for "The Greatest" was inside my recommended tab. And I was like isn't this Grey Worm HAHA. And yes, I discovered his music and I really love his first album "You're A Man Now, Boy". I think all twenty-something kids need to listen to this album. Excited to hear more of his music! :)

Also I'm feeling a bit worried. So I actually ordered Raleigh's album through Amazon UK in mid August. It was supposed to arrive on the 4th of September but it actually just arrived last week! I've also ordered Lana Del Rey's new album, and an album from Cigarettes After Sex, and they have not arrived. I'm worried that they are lost somewhere haha. But receiving Raleigh's album kinda gave me hope. Well I just hope for the best. It should arrive soon, maybe it's delayed by another week.

Alright that's all for the great music of September! There are a few albums I'm excited for in October. Yumi Zouma (listened to it already now aha) and Lenka! And also hoping for more album releases I'm hoping before the year ends. Sam Smith has something up in his sleeve mwahaha. Alright see you in October then! Hope you're enjoying some great music wherever you are too :)

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