Saturday 12 May 2018

Here Comes The Sun

I have no freaking idea why, but whenever May arrives, I started getting insomnia. And no, like I said in a post once, this has been happening for the past 7 years actually. Even when I was in Singapore! I'm not sure if it's placebo (in Indonesian we have a term called sugesti, which is like placebo, a term used when something happened because you think/feel such a way), but yes. It's annoying.

Like I would go to bed as usual at 5 AM. But my eyes will stay wide open until about 7. This week has been horrible because for example, I slept at 9 AM on Wednesday "night". That is ridiculous. I'm going to start drinking chamomile tea again, hoping it will help. Once again, I don't think it's the tea, becaue I'm okay in the past 2-3 months ish, drinking black tea before I sleep!

Anyway May has been a pretty happening month once again. I don't know why but I feel that I'm just being pre-occupied with lots of things every day. And same goes for my mind too. The hustle is going to begin once June arrives, because Ramadhan is here next week and it's always crunch time for me! But well, I think I'm prepared better this year hehe. I hope so. Oops. No, I can do this!

Today was a pretty chill Saturday. I went to get a haircut cause it's been more than one month since I had one. I can't stand long hair, don't know why. Wanted to go to the farm but my dad decided not to. So I spend the evening doing the weekly room clean up and also my plan was to nua, but nope, I decided to do work and now I'm pretty done with the list of things I need to do teehee.

Alright I'm stopping here for now. Just a disclaimer I might not blog often in the next coming weeks but will try to. Funny how I have a bunch of things to talk about, just doesn't have the time. See ya!

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